not old man haohao👍

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[ haohao ]

mattymatthew has sent you a message request

mattymatthew hi

mattymatthew i'm sorry for the message out of nowhere

mattymatthew i just wanted to ask you something TT

accept decline

accept decline

haohao um

haohao okay

mattymatthew hi!!!

haohao hi

mattymatthew so

mattymatthew i just wanted to ask your age

mattymatthew i know i already asked in the gc but i understand maybe not being comfortable with sharing it

mattymatthew but i wanted to make sure you weren't a pedo

mattymatthew the others don't care much but that's kind why i feel like i should care

mattymatthew yk?

haohao oh

haohao yeah i understand

mattymatthew thank you :)

mattymatthew so...

haohao oh

haohao i'm a senior

mattymatthew highschool?

haohao yeah

haohao i am not smart enough for college

mattymatthew LMAO

mattymatthew i believe you

mattymatthew not about the not being smart thing

mattymatthew the highschool thing

mattymatthew i'm sure ur

mattymatthew very smart

haohao don't worry i understood lolz

mattymatthew lolz

mattymatthew i think i love you

haohao ...because i said lolz?

mattymatthew yes

mattymatthew i have very low standards

mattymatthew ANYWAYS

mattymatthew it's nice talking to you like this

mattymatthew you don't talk much in the gc

haohao mhm

haohao sorry

mattymatthew it's okay!!!

mattymatthew we as a group are a little out there

mattymatthew you seem more... chill

haohao yeah

haohao i guess

haohao i just have trouble fitting in with people i guess

haohao especially groups of people who are already close

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