6:51 pm - Istg, I've now made a playlist that consists of 94 subs, avian/wing subs, aero subs, and boosters, but so far it is working quite well. And hopefully my dad's gotten more adderall cause I only have enough to last me until next Friday. Other than that, nothing much besides the usual pain and discomfort.
8:02 pm - Back outside with my mom, still listening to my playlist. Not much besides a bit of pain and discomfort still.
9:31 pm - Weird pulsing like sensation, tingling, some pain, and pressure. My playlist has gone from 94 to 111, slowly adding and removing subs from it.
11:04 pm - Hands get cold when I try and do aero, they also tingle, back still twitches a little bit, less pain but still some, that's it for now.
12:25 am - Itching right beside my right shoulder blade, on the 2nd loop of my playlist, managed to get it down to 103 subs, probably gonna be lower by tomorrow. Gonna go to bed in a bit.