Rise up from my demise

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Elias looked out as he sheathed Urfael on his back, and he looked at an Anvil at the center of the Tower he was in. He felt control being taken from him as his form now looked like the Wraith.

Elias: 'What did you do?'

Wraith: "I took over for a second."

And he felt something in his hand. It was a finely crafted hammer and the Wraith looked at it.

Wraith: "This feels familiar..."

So he raised the hammer and strikes the anvil, as a white flash shown from it. The Anvil disappeared as he felt power fill into him.

Wraith: "Curious."

He then turned to the edge of the Tower and stood next to the ledge, looking down.

Elias: "What are you--?"

And the Wraith jumped as Elias yelled in protest. And yet, they land without trouble as his form turned back into Elias. He looked at himself to see he was fine. He then hears a Voice.

Uruk: "So. We missed one of you at Narchost, eh? An easy mistake to fix!"

Elias then felt something in his hand. A bow. He looked down at it, before he smirked. He then draws an arrow as time slowed down. He blinked, but didn't question it as he draws back the bow swiftly and fired four shots quickly into each Uruks head. He goes to grab another arrow, but he didn't feel any.

Elias: 'Why only four arrows?'

Wraith: 'My power has been greatly diminished over the time since my passing.'

Elias groans slightly and drew Urfael, and saw two more Uruks charging at him.

Elias: "You will all suffer!"

And he charged back, jumping over one and slashing him in the back. The Orc screamed as Elias stabbed the Uruk through the back of his kneecap, before he pulled out the sword and stabbed it through the back of his head, before pushing him off with his foot.

He felt an attack coming from behind, but the Wraith appeared with a sword and countered it, before knocking them to the ground as he disappeared.

Elias: 'Thanks.'

The Wraith didn't respond as he sheathed Urfael and drew Acharn, and grabbed the Orc by the throat and stabbed the blade into his jugular. Elias sheathed Acharn, but hears someone from behind as he was grabbed from behind by an Uruk wearing armor, and pushed into a wall, getting punched in the stomach. The Uruk goes for a punch to the face, but was promptly blocked by Elias, and he punched the Uruk in the face, before he grabbed his face with his left hand, Blue spectral energy emanates from it, and the Uruk falls back in pain as Elias looked at his hand with shock as it had blue flames on it. The wraith then appears.

Wraith: "Go back to him."

And he does just that, grabbing the Uruk by the throat and gripped his face with his left hand as Elias's body turned into the wraith.

Wraith: "SUFFER ME NOW!"

And the Uruk was staring at him with fear.

Wraith: "What do you know of the Black Hand of Sauron?"

Uruk: (Pained) "He.. is a fiend... Made of thin air!"

Wraith: "What more?"

The wraith put more power into the domination, making the Uruk scream in pain.

Uruk: "A Slave I had... swears he fought him... I sold him... for a keg of grog... to Gimûb the Slaver..."

And Elias and the Wraith could see an image of Gimûb, and his last location, and his haunts. The Wraith was about to let the Uruk go, But Elias takes back control, and takes Acharn and stabs it into the Orc's throat, cutting it open as black blood spills out of him, and he dies. The Wraith was unfazed by this as he appeared next to Elias.

The Man, and the Wraith. (Shadow of Mordor/War x Male! OC)Where stories live. Discover now