❦PART 12: Death and other big words ❦

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The air outside was foggy and a thick mist blurred my vision, it was the time just before the formation of the cherry blossoms, but not quite before the crashing of the tides, it wasn't April but rising May. I wasn't a twelve year old but a rising teenager, not quite comfortable in my personhood, barely a girl. It was many years ago and my sister Cassidy and I walked down by the lake, balancing on a crooked bridge, arms spread out. I followed her footsteps as I always did, watching and mimicking her every move.

Somehow she always knew just what to do, and I trusted that she would never lead me astray.

I listened as the lake water gurgled in a nearly rushing stream, Lilly pads floating above the vast expanse of blue and crickets chirping in the distance. The wiry sounds billowing beneath my ears, I swatted away mosquitoes as the furious sun showed us no mercy. I was lathered in sunscreen that Cass had smothered on every visible inch of my body. We weren't supposed to go out wandering alone, but rules were never that serious if Cass broke them, so I figured that it was okay...or at least that it would be.

"Careful back there Sissy, if you fall mom and dad will never forgive me for being irresponsible." She warned me glancing back and I giggled teasing her, standing on one leg sticking out my tongue. "Hey!"

"I won't fall I swear it!" I called back out following her along mimicking her steps to ensure my safety. "You're so paranoid."

"Where did you even learn that word?" She asked me.

"Dictionaries are free at the library you know?" I reminded her trying my best to sound smart, smart like her. "I know lots of new words."

"Like?" She asked me egging me on. "Tell me all you know so I can know it too."

"I learned the world nostalgia." I told her,

"Ah, what does that mean?" She asked, I realize now that she knew, all those words but she pretended not to for my sake.

"A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past." I explained to her, "Wanna try use it in a sentence?"

"Sure." She agreed, "Someday we'll remember this day by the lake, and it will bring us great nostalgia."

"Yeah, or Looking back at old photographs always brings back a sense of nostalgia. Perhaps some felt nostalgia for the warm home they left." I quoted,

"Wow, you're really smart Sissy you know a lot of new words." She mused hopping from one side of the bridge to the other because it was too crooked, she pulled me along with her. "Good?"

"Yeah I'm okay." I assured her nodding and smiling at her, it felt good to know that the smartest person I knew through I was intelligent— thought that there was something special about me. "I know lots more if you'd like!"

"Shoot sister." She insisted,

"I learned the word nefarious too." I narrated.

"And what does that one mean? She asked me,

"Wicked or criminal." I told her, "For example, if mom and dad knew we snuck out to go to the lake, they'd think we'd been nefarious in our intention."

"Good job, or another example could be Batman and Superman are always fighting evildoers and stopping their nefarious plots." She said and I giggled. "Did I get it right?"

"Yeah you did!" I mused. "You catch on quick."

"Yeah i know it's kinda my thing." She laughed. "I could teach you a word too."

"Yeah? Which one" I asked,

"Kindred spirits." She whispered to me as she took a seat at the foot of the bridge swinging her feet off the edge of the water. "Sit with me."

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