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"When are the boys gonna be here?" I ask Adrianna as I try to find something to do on my phone. I basically live at her house. Especially in the summer.

"Probably in like 2 minutes" she assures me. Today we were going to an arcade. Not just any arcade. It was huge and two stories. It might have been a tourist attraction if it had another floor.

I wait around in the couch until the door does ring and I go and get the door. I open it and the triplets and Carter stand there. "Sup" I say as I step out of the way for them. Matt unnecessarily rolls his eyes at me. I just scoff at him. But he doesn't keep walking and following the boys to the living room. He just stops and turns around.

"What?" I ask cluelessly.

"You made a noise at me" I add as he walks closer again. He has a smug look on his face. That itself makes me want to punch him. It really isn't my fault his face is so punchable.

"You rolled your eyes at me" I spit back at him.

"Bold of you to assume that was for you" he tilts his head a little, while scrunching his eyebrows a slight bit.

"I'm not a fucking idiot" I squint my eyes slightly. Spending any time with this idiot in the car is always unbearable.

"Really?" He gives me a surprised look and then turns around. He walks away from me to the living room. I follow after he disappears, because the idea of following him is disgusting.

I see everyone in the living room, now sitting or just hanging around. No one really acknowledges my presence. Except for Matt. Obsessed much?

"We gonna go or not?" Adrianna asks after the conversation about gas station food was dragged on too long. Everyone just gets up and I start my way to the car before them. I take my seat behind the passengers seat before anyone makes me sit in the middle. Or the passenger seat. Next to you know who. I also take the opportunity to connect my phone so I can control the songs.

"No. Your not putting any of your trash ass music on" Matt's voice is angry as he tries to reach for my phone while leaning backwards over the middle arm rest. I take Chris and kind of put him in front of me as a shield. I can't help but laugh at Matt. Chris didn't complain as he just sat there in front of me.

"Cmon let's get going" Nick makes Matt leave it alone. I stick my tongue at him like a child before he turns back to the wheel aggressively.

I look over to Adrianna asking what I should play. She nods when I show her The Way I Loved You. It's even better because I know Matt doesn't like this song. Not really sure why he doesn't like it, but the annoyed face I see in the rear view mirror is gold.

I look to Carter and we both sing because we both love the song. With Chris and Adrianna squished between us, we both lean in the middle, not really caring.

We do finally get there, seeing the large building. We walk in our group and the building is dark except where the light is completely different where it is much darker and has colored lights of purple, red and pink.

We all wait in line and then get our tokens and split them evenly. The only thing I did want to make sure I tried was the laser tag. Apparently they had a huge room with like places to climb and hide at.

I take off on my own, leaving everyone behind. I guess I don't care much to walk around and talk with people. Honestly, I felt like I was waiting to get away and disappear through the night lights. I got to play a few games and not spot any of the group around me.

I headed to the basement floor. As I checked out the laser tag area, a hand appeared on my shoulder. I turned around to see Matt.

"What?" I ask impatiently.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐮𝐬                                     ✭ 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙤 ✭Where stories live. Discover now