Again, Not a Date

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"No, I'm just saying tequila over vodka anytime," Davis said, rummaging into his bag of cool ranch Doritos as we sat in the loud lunch room.

I nodded, swallowing the sip of water I took, "I second that."

"You're supposed to be on my team, Slo," Karter pointed out, raising a brow.

Cher smiled slightly, "Aw, Slo," she said, admiring the nickname.

Please don't because I hate the nickname.

That's what I wanted to say, but I couldn't.

Well, honestly, I never got a chance to say anything, given that Violet decided to stop right at our table and say, "You know I was waiting for you to come to the bathroom right?"

I felt my stomach sink when the lunch room, got quiet for the third fucking time. Damn, why can't people just shove their faces with food and mind their business? It's really not that hard.

Karter tilted her head, "You're saying this like it's my problem?" she said.

I smiled slightly when I noticed Violet's blue eyes dart down to me. "And suddenly you're with Sloan Taylor? What the fuck has gotten into you?"

Davis sighed lazily, "Violet seriously just leave us alone."

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Karter and the whore sitting on her lap," Violet said, and I felt pure anger wash over me.

I'm about to put this bitch in her place.

But before I could say anything, Karter said, "Don't talk about my girlfriend like that."

I felt my stomach rush with butterflies, even if the entire ordeal was completely fake, it was still weird to hear Karter refer to me as that—her girlfriend.

Violet blinked a few times, looking down at me, which made me smirk cockily at her, "No fucking way, those rumors were true?"

Karter nodded between me and her, "Well, clearly."

Violet huffed, "Really? You decide to make this bitch your girlfriend over me?"

And almost immediately, Cher leaned forward, about to say something, but was halted when Karter slammed her palm down on the cafeteria table—and if the room wasn't completely silent before, it definitely was now.

"Enough," Karter said, her tone lowered and demanding. "You were just a boring fuck, seriously just get over it already," she said, which earned a laugh from everyone at the table, who quickly covered it up with coughs.

I felt something within me flourish when Violet huffed in defeat—it was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever witnessed. Finally, Violet Clarke doesn't get her way.

"You'll come back. You always do," Violet said, but Karter only waved her off nonchalantly which made Violet squeeze her fists by her sides like a child.

I couldn't help the snicker that left my lips when she stood there awkwardly, "Well, go on then," I said, waving her off as well, which forced the blonde to roll her eyes before turning on her heel to walk over to her table where the rest of her bitchy friend group was.

"Yo," Davis laughed out, shaking his head, "Finally you ditched her, Kar. She was so fucking clingy for no reason."

"It's really just the shallow personality for me," Cher added, shaking her head as she ate one of her strawberries.

Suddenly, the bell rang, causing Davis to crumple up his empty chip bag and stand from his chair along with the rest of us, weaving into the sea of students as we headed to our last class of the day.

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