Chapter Eleven

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It's been about 2 weeks since I found out about my mom and the apparent $1.5 billion in my savings account for when I turned 18. I had been back to the bank about 3 more times since my last visit with the Pogues. Once with JJ, and once alone. The first time I met with the old lady again, with JJ. She told me how my dad was trying to access the money my mom had in my savings to try and save her business, which was apparently going bankrupt, and he couldn't find any record of it or any papers, so he gave up on the idea of saving it, causing it to collapse and sparking his drinking and drug addiction.

The second time I went I was alone. I was meeting with some accountant or something to get some papers out of the way and signed, so that when I turned 18, I just had to sign one thing and be on my way. (Please don't come after me I don't know shit about banking or wtvr 😭). When I was leaving the bank, I saw Rafe walking past me, smirking at me as I saw his lawyer next to him. Shit.

One week later, I found out Rafe was pressing charges against my deceased mother for stealing money from his dad. But since she was dead, guess who was being taken to court? Me. So, here I am, dressing myself in a formal-ass outfit to go and testify. Or, I guess, be testified against.

~•time skip•~

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" JJ asked, peaking his head through the door. He was dressed in a very fancy suit, making him look crazy sexy. It seriously turned me on. I looked down to his veiny hands, covered in rings on almost every other finger.

"Mhm..." I mumbled, getting lost in my boyfriends extremely hot appearance.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," JJ teased, bringing me back to reality.

"S-sorry, you just look really hot in a suit," I said, giggling. He smirked, coming up to me and placing his hands on my waist. I was dressed in a white summer dress kind of thing, that was unbuttoned a little to show some cleavage. I had a black handbag that had all the paperwork showing the earnings and transactions made from my moms business that earned her the money that she passed on to me.

 I had a black handbag that had all the paperwork showing the earnings and transactions made from my moms business that earned her the money that she passed on to me

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(Pretend the bag is a black briefcase handbag thing)

"You look sexy too my love. That dress looks amazing on you. But I bet it would look better on the floor," JJ teased, earning a loud horny-infused laugh to leave my lips.

"After we win this stupid case, it will be our victory sex," I said, cupping his face and placing a leisurely kiss on his lips.

"Oh before I forget, I have something for you," JJ said, a serious yet exited tone of voice. "Y/n, I have loved you since the 3rd grade. Ever since you and JB came up to me on the swings and asked to play mermaids, I promised myself that you would be mine. And, here we are. So, to keep that promise to you, I got you this." JJ got down on one knee, and pulled out a royal blue velvet box, opening it, revealing a small red ruby on a silver band with little rubys pressed into it. Tears filled my eyes as I covered my mouth. I knew he wasn't proposing, but he might as well be. I knew he would have had to spend all his El Dorado savings to buy this.

"I know it's not a perfect ring, but this is a promise ring. I promise to love you for infinity, and to never let you go. I promise that one day, I'll buy you a real ring with a giant Diamond with a gold band, and we'll have our dream wedding and 2 kids. Or more. How ever many you want, we'll have. I love you y/n Brown, and will you be mine for infinity?"

"Yes, JJ, oh my god, 1,000 times yes!" I cried as I extended my left hand for JJ to slide the beautiful piece of jewelry onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

"I had Sarah give me your finger measurements..." JJ cheekily smiled as I laughed, engulfing him in a kiss. I cried the happiest tears I had ever cried, and I heard cheering from the doorway. The Pogues were clapping and whooping, making JJ and I laugh.

"Ok I'm seriously beyond happy for y'all, but we gotta go, your hearing is in like 20 minutes," Pope insisted, making us all gasp at how fast the time had gone.

"Let's rock this bitch!" Kie yelled, and we all yelled and cheered, while JJ and I held hands, the bond between us now never being able to be broken.

SHOULD JJ PROPOSE?!?! YES OR NO?! LMK BC I MIGHT MAKE HIM ANYWAY BUT NOT TILL LATER! Also there is a smutttttt coming up so I'm warning y'all... I'm sorry 😭 it will be less kinky this time I promise. Also should I write an Obx imagines book?!?! Let me know!!!!! Love you all!!

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