Chapter One

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"Get your lazy ass out of bed!!" Kie yelled in my ear for the 8th time this morning. "It's 11:30, you missed surfing, and it's almost moon. Get up!"
"Nooooooo," I slurred, my hangover from the bonfire last night pounding in my head.
"Look, if you have a hangover, I have some Advil. But you have to get out of bed first to come and get it," Kie said while pulling the blanket covering my body off the bed, preventing me from pulling it back up.
"Fineeee, but you have to let me sleep later tomorrow!" I yelled at Kie as she ran to John B's kitchen to grab our emergency stash of hangover supplies, but it's not really an emergency stash, since JJ and I are constantly hung over.


JJ and I have been best friends since the third grade. Even though I've known John B longer, JJ and I had some sort of... connection. Kie and Pope came in later in our Freshmen year of highschool, when we caught Kie boring Pope with her save the environment talk. We thought we'd save them both by inviting them to a kegar we were throwing at the boneyard. Ever since we've become known as the pogues, the people who live in the cut. Last year, John B and the rest of us went hunting for the lost $400 million gold on the sunken Royal Merchant. But the stupid Kooks, Rafe and Ward Cameron beat us to it. Taking it for themselves. Sarah Cameron, Rafe's sister and Wards daughter, joined us in finding the gold and turning against her dad and brother, because turns out they were framing John B for murder and killed his dad. Oh and John B and Sarah fell in love along the way and are basically married. Not legally, of course, but they said their vows and everything. Along the way, they met Cleo in Nassau, The Bahamas, when they were shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean, and were saved by her boat. Cleo's crew did try turning on them and wanted the bounty for turning John B in, but came up with a plan for stealing the gold back and paying the crew $10 million apiece. They didn't get all the gold sadly, and Sarah was shot. She ended up being ok, and they returned home. John B was then arrested, but there was evidence that Ward and Rafe killed the sherif and not him. Ward then FAKED his death to save Rafe, and kidnapped Sarah, where we had to save her off of another ship that, ironically, Cleo worked on after what happened in the Bahamas. Rafe stole the cross of Santo Domingo, and we kind of had a plan to steal that back, since it was technically Pope's family heirloom. That failed, and we were all stranded on an island, where we were "saved", but actually I was kidnapped by an evil man named Singh. He was looking for Popes great, great, great, great grand dads, Denmark Tanny's, diary, which supposedly she had. We had a coppy, but it was destroyed. A lot of other crazy shit happened, like finding John B's long lost dad, Big John, and then him and Ward dying trying to save us. We found the lost city of El' Dorado, and became "rich" for a finders fee or whatever. But, me still being 17, I still had to live with my abusive father, Daren. He's abused me ever since my mom died in a plane crash looking for a cure to cure my cancer (which was fine in the end thanks to chemotherapy). I miss my mom a lot. I blame myself for her death, because she left to find a cure for me. Anyways, that basically sums it up. Oh and I'm Y/n, Y/n Brown. And, I've kind of had the biggest crush on JJ Maybanks, aka my best friend... but I can't say anything about it because of the "no pogue-on-pogue macking rule". It's not even really a rule, but I still follow it. Just to be safe. Anyways back to the story!


I came out into the kitchen of the chateau, looking for the advil Kie left for me. I was wearing JJ's hoodie, which was oddly comfortable. I took the pill and went onto the poach looking for everyone.
"Good morning guys," I said groggily, waving at my friends drinking beer on the porch of John B's house.
"Cupcake! You're finally up!" JJ said, getting up to give me a hug. "Dude you got so drunk last night you gave me a lap dance!" JJ jokingly stated, pulling away from the hug.
"I did not! Did I?!" I turned frantically to the rest of the group, my eyes wide.
"No you did not. JJ stop being an asshole," Sarah stated, coming to my rescue.
"Oh thank god," I sighed, turning back to JJ, giving him the biggest death glare I could master. "I bet you wish I did though," I said, JJ's face turning a bright shade of red as I smirked.

John B still lived in the chateau with JJ, because we didn't have enough money to buy a house once we divided the reward money up. But once I turn 18, I'd inherit my share of the money and JJ, John B, and I were going to buy a house in Figure Eight together. I technically still lived with my dad, a few minutes walking distance from the chateau, but I rarely stayed at home because my dad would abuse me if I upset him even a little. But unfortunately, I had to go home today to get a new change of clothes...

"Hey guys, I'm gonna run home really quick and grab a change of clothes. I'll be back soon," I said, smiling softly at the group.
"Oh alright, but we'll see you later, right Y/n?" John B asked, looking at me.
"Yes of course. I'll be back in a few minutes," I re assured him and the rest of the group. I turned to face JJ to say goodbye, but he had a concerned look on his face. Like I said before, JJ is the only one that knows about Daren abusing me.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked, a worried look on his face.
"No that's alright. Thank you though," I said, giving him a reassuring smile. I could tell he wanted to come with me to make sure I didn't get hurt, but I never let him, because he didn't know the full extent of my fathers abusing.

I opened the screen door and began walking over towards my house. It took me about 10 minutes to get there walking, so it didn't take to long. As I walked up the front steps of my porch, I hesitated before opening the door. What would he do if I wake him up, assuming he's knocked out on the couch? I slowly but surely opened the door, stepping into my trashed house, where my fathers limp body lay on the couch, passed out with an empty beer can in his hand. I slowly crept into my room, and closed the door to pack my things. I grabbed a duffel bag to keep all of my belongings, and packed some essentials. Clothes, underwear, bathing suits, products, etcetera. As I was zipping up my bag, I heard the door of my bedroom creak open, revealing my hungover dad, with a cigarette in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, pointing a lazy finger at my face.
"I-I'm sorry if I woke you, I-I just needed s-some things," I stuttered, referring to the duffel bag on the bed. "I'll leave now, sorry," I said, pushing past him.
"Not so fast. I haven't seen you in days, and you decide to show up here again to pack some things?" He said, pulling my hair to pull me back. I winced as I felt the skin on my scalp tighten. He then slapped me across the face, and I felt blood splatter from my lip as it split. Ouch. He then kicked the back of my knee, causing me to fall to the floor, a yelp leaving my mouth. He repeatedly kicked and punched me, leaving me sobbing on the floor as he yelled horrid names at me like, slut, and whore, and you're the reason your mom died. One last hit to the face, and everything went black...

OMG CHAPTER ONE DONE!!! I really hope you guys enjoyed this, and let me know if I should continue this story. This is my first one, so it's not that good, and is probably confusing 😭 I tried my best though. Ps, this is unedited work!! Don't come after me. Also this story is lightly based off of me, like the cancer and what-not.

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