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You rough it back and he takes it in his own way

give him chance to get his tongue into your mouth and he takes advantage of it, He enters his tongue inside your mouth and starts sucking your, He bites your bottom lip lightly as a gentle shiver runs down your spine

Circle your tongue with his, pulls you close and you sit on his lap. roaming your back with his thick hands and you were stroking his hair

Once he breaks the kiss and looks at you he can see your lips are swollen red because of his sucking.

Your eyes were half open you looked at him lustfully without saying anything you licked his jawline he raised his throat for you.

You gently bit down on earlobe he felt butterflies racing inside his stomach. You cupped the sides of his head firmly with your palms to steady his head.

As you continued to suck his long neck, sore spots were leaving his throat with every suck. You push him and he falls on the bed as you sit on his stomach and slowly unbutton his shirt.

After unbuttoned him completely you flipped your open wet hair into a bun. You look at his face and see he has his eyes closed maybe or he is ready to take that feeling

After sucking his chest bit his collarbone and he grunted

massage his flat small nipple in circles motion with your thumb, He was probably very satisfied as you could tell by the look on his face

You lean towards him and move up to his navel to kiss the center line of his chest

His firm abs, underbelly hair, penis line are all attractive , You move back a bit and sit between his legs and grab the side of his waist when you feel something poking beneath you.

Yn :- Uncle jeon

You called out to tease him but he didn't respond so you said a little more firmly.

Jungkook humming as his response, You know he's not in the mood to talk right now but it still felt good to provoke him,

Yn :- Can I wrap it in my palm?

He shakes his head vigorously.

Yn :- But I want to hear my answer from your mouth

Jungkook :- ahhh please

His voice was very hoarse. A dewy shiver hits your core,You slowly pulled the trouser down from his waist

He whimpered

wrapped his penis inside your fingers with utmost care. He arched his back nicely at your warm touch

His penis is ready to feel your hand caress, You gave him a smooth stroke from tip to bottom

His top swell has become tender. You rub his soft tip with the palm of your thumb, You close your eyes and continue to feel the part by running your fingers over it

You then realize he is trying to mumble something and you listen it carefully

"Ahh please t take it take it in your m mouth"

You get his mumbled stutter and listen to what he is trying to convey

take it in your mouth and keep pumping it, the veins around his penis are swollen and it is slowly expanding inside your mouth.

You were circling his apex with your tongue. His tip was so soft you felt like biting off,

You were trying to stroke as fast as possible

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭 - JJK 🍁Where stories live. Discover now