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You look at him for a few moments while figure out what happened. When you get the hang of it, quickly stand up from his arm and both of you look away because the awkwardness is going on now.

Yn :- Ahh!!  am sorry I didn't realize there was water spilling here.

Wong-woo :- Sorry ? I have to tell you because I dropped the water while drinking

Yn :- No problem that mistake happens to me too you sit down, I can clear it.

Wong-woo :- You are shaming me further by saying that. It would be unethical if I didn't help you because I did the mass

Two of you were mopping the floor together with mop and at some moment you caught his eye. Even if it seems strange to you, maybe you thought it accidentally

Yn :- Finally finished.

You take the mop bucket and put them back where they are. Then you went to the kitchen without coming to‌ living room again as you were not coming back he started walking towards you.

Wong-woo :- I can help you too

You were heating some food in the oven at that time

Yn :- My food is prepared in advance. You can place these two plates on the table.

Then you light the gas stove and fry the meat boiled in oil in a pan with some vegetables. It is included in your list of instant meals

And for dessert you make pomegranate milk in a juice blender with some crushed ice.

Arranging the food on the plate when he came next to you

Yn :- I finish cooking let's eat together

Yn :- You can stay here tonight if you want

With a sip of water

Wong-woo :- No, we have to go back to Korea today because my father has booked flight ticket for two o'clock

Yn :- ohhh

You look behind at the clock

Yn :- It is now half past twelve. Uncle won't scold you that you are not with him

He chuckled

Wong-woo :- Noo ! I told him that I am with you.

You were doing the dishes and he was bringing them from the table in the sink

Yn :- thank you

He looked at you and smiled

Wong-woo :- I need to go now because my flight time is close

Yn :- So when will you come here again?

You keep the dishes aside and wipe your hands with a rag and come with him to the living room

Wong-woo :- I will come again if father needs anything here and also don't worry I will visit you often. Btw what about you?

Yn :- After graduation

Wong-woo :- That means two years ? But you can come on vacation

Yn :- I don't want to go on any recess because I have to devote myself fully to my studies and even during my vacation I will also be in London.

Wong-woo :- ohh okk, Hope we will meet again

Yn :- Of course why N !!

You two shake hands together

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭 - JJK 🍁Where stories live. Discover now