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Dark Continent
Woodland Outpost

Vrandi was at the top of the pillager outpost just having a normal day

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Vrandi was at the top of the pillager outpost just having a normal day....

"Boss, we've searched north and we can't seem to find other things other than a big house with.. statues, lots of statues!"

The pillager approached and reported to Vrandi.

A group of slimes led by Alexa attacked the mansion

As Vrandi listened to the pillager's report, he noticed a commotion down below. He looked over the edge and saw a group of slimes led by Alexa attacking the mansion they were just talking about.

Quickly, Vrandi rallied his troops and ordered them to defend the outpost and the nearby village. He knew that the Dark Continent was a dangerous place, where danger lurked around every corner. But Vrandi was determined to protect his community and not let these slimes cause any harm.

Vrandi led the charge down from the outpost and quickly engaged in battle with the slimes. The pillagers fought fiercely, using their bows and arrows, axes, and swords to take down the enemy.

In the midst of the chaos, Vrandi saw Alexa, the leader of the slime group. She was a tough opponent, but Vrandi knew he had to take her down to end this conflict.

As Vrandi and Alexa clashed, their weapons striking each other in a loud metallic clang, Vrandi noticed something strange. Alexa's eyes glowed with an eerie purple light. It was as if she was being controlled by someone or something.

Vrandi fought hard, never giving up, until finally, he landed a decisive blow on Alexa. The glow in her eyes disappeared, and she reverted back to her normal self.

Vrandi took her prisoner and led the pillagers back to their outpost. There, they discussed the strange phenomenon they had witnessed. They decided to explore the mansion and learn what they could about the statues and the strange forces at work in this land.

Little did they know, this would be just the beginning of their adventures in the Dark Continent...

Vrandi walked around the mansion and met a tiny silverfish that he then took care of.

"aww... what a cute tiny silverfish"

Vrandi said as he grouped up with his fellow Pillagers.The other Pillagers looked at Vrandi in confusion. They didn't understand how he could find a silverfish cute, as they were considered pests and disgusting by many people.

But Vrandi didn't care about what the others thought. He had always had a soft spot for small creatures, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for this little silverfish that was struggling to survive in a big mansion full of dangers.

So, he took the silverfish under his wing and started taking care of it. He gave it some crumbs to eat and found a small box to keep it in. He even named it Silvie.

The other Pillagers were amazed to see how much Vrandi cared for the tiny silverfish. They didn't understand it, but they respected his compassion and dedication towards Silvie.

Days passed, and Vrandi continued to take care of Silvie. The silverfish started to grow in size and became more active, swimming around its little box.

One day, Vrandi decided it was time to release Silvie back into the wild. He took the box outside and let the silverfish go in a nearby pond.

As he watched Silvie swim away, Vrandi felt a sense of fulfillment. He had done something meaningful that day, and it made him feel good about himself.

From then on, Vrandi's fellow Pillagers started to see him in a different light. They admired his kindness and compassion towards even the tiniest and seemingly insignificant creatures.

And Vrandi continued to spread his love for all living beings, big or small, throughout the mansion and beyond.

Ziendy, one of Vrandi's Pillager colleagues was separated from the main group with her squad and they were looking for the Allays to capture.

Allays are blue flying creatures that live in the dense forest of Taiga Forest

Ziendy and her squad were armed with bows and arrows, ready to capture the Allays. They moved quietly through the forest, keeping aneye out for any signs of the blue creatures. They walked for hours, the forest becoming denser and darker as they went deeper in.

Finally, Ziendy heard a faint flapping of wings in the distance. She signaled her squad to haltand listen. The flapping of wings grew louder and louder until they saw a flock of Allays flying overhead.

Ziendy ordered her squad to aim their bows and arrows at the creatures. The Allays were caught off guard and before they could fly away, the squad shot at them. Several Allays were hit and fell to the ground.

Ziendy and her squad rushed to capture the fallen creatures and bring them back to the main group. As they were carrying the Allays back, Ziendy couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and sadness for what they had done.

The Allays were innocent creatures that posed no threat to the Pillagers. They were just living their lives in the forest. Ziendy knew that their capture would only be for the sake of entertainment and not for any practical purpose.

Ziendy vowed to never participate in such cruel acts again and to try and convince her fellow Pillagers to rethink their ways. She knew it would be a difficult task, but she couldn't stand by and watch innocent creatures suffer for no reason.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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