Chapter 2: Youth

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Nyx's POV:

   My dad was starting me on history today. Normally aunt Nesta would be teaching me but she and my momma were busy. History is my favorite subject but only when aunt Ness teaches me. She tells me about all the gory parts of war, my dad not so much. My dad liked to talk about the political side. The relationships and alliances. "They are of the upmost importance. Without alliances a court would fall. You need to have a mutual agreement of respect and trust." My dad's booming voice was ranting behind me. I had paper in front of me, I should be taking notes but it was boring. What would I write? Have good alliances, okay, check. The Night Court was friends with everyone, what did it matter?

I was bored out of my mind. I wanted to be training with uncle Cass, Sol and Nova. Solaris and I have been wanting to train with our wings more. We spend most of our time fighting together. Learning Illyrian war skills. Since we are getting closer to the Winter Solstice we were staying at the Palace with aunt Nesta and uncle Cassian. Normally we would just winnow to visit but momma liked to stay longer around this time so Dad made us stay. Nova hated being here, but she was becoming aunt Nesta's shadow. Following her every move, going everywhere with her and watching her in the shadows. The second Nova found out Nesta was coming too her complaining stopped. Mom had begged Nesta to stay with us this year. I didn't mind because my room is next to Sol's so we normally sneak into one of our rooms and stay up. Our rooms were always next to each others. I asked momma to put Sol's room next to mine when my parents started building the new Palace. I wanted it to be like our rooms at aunt Nesta's home. Solaris and I were headed to his dad to ask to practice but dad stopped me before leaving and said we needed to study instead. Uncle Cassian took Solaris and Nova to train without me. Nova and Solaris were closer in age, only a year apart. Unlike me, I'm 2 years older than my sister, which means I have more responsibilities.

I groaned all the way up the stairs. From where I was sitting outside I could see Nova and Solaris hovering over the ground. Their wings expanded and strong. "Lucky", I pout as my dad continues to rant on about his time in the war. "Every court had made sacrifices to protect our courts, some more than others. We were at war with Amarantha for 50 years, then we had gone to war with Hybren. When we finally thought that was over, the Queens..." I started to tune out my dad. My dad went to the annual High Lord's meeting last week, there wasn't much to learn from those. When he had come home I asked a million questions but he didn't have very interesting answers. Once a year they all gather around and talk about the courts. It seems simple enough to me. I don't know why my parents make such a fuss about it. But it always peaks my curiosity. Why did my parents hate the meetings? Why was my momma always on edge before them? Dad says one day I will attend those meetings, I'm excited to represent the Night Court.

        I started to doodle on my paper. I drew the mountains of Velaris and I tried to draw my dad's wings. I started drawing trees and turned it into a forest, I added flowers on the ground too. My aunt Elain has a floral garden at her cottage. I loved wandering through it or playing hide n seek with Solaris and Nova. I was about to draw another flower when my dad snatched my paper from me. He held it up to look at it. "You have skills like your mother. I would throw this out because you weren't paying attention but your mom would never let me hear the end of it." My dad shook his head before sending the paper away. Disappearing into thin air. I loved when my parents did that. It was cool. "Start again Nyxie" my dad said as he gave me another piece of paper. "Ugh when can I go fly with Uncle Cass, Dad?" My dad gave me a small but stern smile "When you are finished taking notes. Then tomorrow we will study your writing skills." I rolled my eyes and huffed at his response. I just wanted to go fly.

      I looked up at the clouds in the sky, they were always so pretty. My mom painted the night clouds for my bedroom. I could stare at my ceiling for hours looking at the clouds she painted. I wanted to fly high up in the skyline. Cassian says my wings aren't strong enough for that yet, which is why I want to be practicing. I wonder if I'll hate the High Lord meetings too? Maybe we'll have more fun than our parents? I bet I will be able to fly higher than Solaris once I learn. Solaris and I were always trying to one up each other. I didn't mind it though but Nova always gets in the way. She just wants to do everything with us but it's annoying. Solaris and I were closer than me and my sister. Sol always let's Nova play with us so she gets her way anyway. The only time she leaves me alone is when the heiresses of the Winter Court come to play with her. Then it seems like she disappears into thin air.

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