The Hangout

524 12 8

Friday 3:20PM

Lloyd POV

I looked at the bell watching the hours tick and waiting for the bell to ring so I could meet up with Harumi, since we planned to hangout today at Chiroshami's.

I'm still super excited, I've never went on a da- HANGOUT! With someone... Especially a girl..

But, I'm really happy she agreed to meet me there, she's such a nice person! I'm so glad she came here, I could just talk about her all day...


Well, there's the bell! I gotta go find Harumi now. I whipped my bag over my shoulder and bursted out the hallway to find her.

I was practically dying after I found her, she was just sitting down on a bench in front of the school while I was running my ass off trying to find her.

"Hey Lloyd!" She turned to look at me.

"Oh.. *pant*... Hi Harumi!" I looked up at her with a tired stare but gave the best smile I could.

"Haha, were you looking for me?" She laughed.

"Yeah... But, I found you! So we can go to Chiroshami's Cafe now?" I asked.

"Of course! Let's go!" She excitedly said as she grabbed my hand and starting running.

SHE JUST GRABBED MY HAND? I think I'm falling even more in love! I can't believe she actually did that! I was mentally fan-girling or um... fan-boying? You know what? Who cares!

"Lloyd??" She was waving her hand in front of my face.

"OH! Yes! Sorry..!" I said awkwardly, way to go Lloyd!

She laughed, "It's fine! Let's go inside now."

"Hahah... of course." I said practically falling for her as I opened the door for her.

After being seated at the table

"So what are you planning to get Lloyd?" She asked me.

"Oh um... I just want a coffee." I replied scratching my neck.

"You're not gonna get any food?" She questions looking at me.

"Yeah! I'm just not very hungry right now." I lied while I smiled at her.

"Oh alright!" She smiled.

"Well, what about you?" I tried changing the topic.

"I was thinking about just getting some Green Tea and some Chocolate Covered Strawberries!" She told me.

"That sounds pretty good!" I laughed my hunger off.

"I'm hoping it is!" She joked.

We got our orders I got a coffee, and she got green tea and the chocolate strawberries. And we talked for a little bit, while we did get some stares because, well I'm Garmadon's son and I'm hanging out with a pretty- SHUT UP ME! That's when I was interrupted with my stomach growling, I froze and she looked at me. I was so embarrassed.

"Hungry?" She teased me.

I looked down in embarrassment, and was mentally dying inside.

"Haha! You don't have to be embarrassed, you can have some of mine." She offered politely.

I raised my head and looked at her in shock, why would she offer anything to me...? I didn't wanna be rude so I tried to decline, "Oh.. Don't worr-" That's when I was interrupted by Harumi shoving a strawberry in my mouth.

"You're obviously hungry, you don't need to hide it." She smiled and pushed the trey of strawberries towards me.

"T-Thanks.." I smiled gratefully, and we both ate.

After the 'Hangout' that totally wasn't a Date

"Thanks for taking me here Lloyd, I really enjoyed it!" Harumi turned to me and put her hands on mine.

"Y-You're welcome!" I stuttered.

"I'll see you next week, and here's my phone number, don't want you to miss me while I'm gone!" She joked.

I put her phone number in and smiled, "Thank you.. I'll see you next week!" I said my goodbyes and we parted ways.

Harumi POV

*Ring Ring*

I picked up my phone and the first thing I heard was, "Did everything work exactly how it was planned?" A voice said seriously.

"Yes, it did Chad, he completely fell for it." I laughed.

"Good, I'll tell the others." He sneered.

I hung up and continued walking, and one thing was on my mind...

Am I making the right choice?

Shame of the Nation // Lloyd Garmadon Angst // TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now