Identity Revealed

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(This is before Lloyd got exposed which will lead up to him being exposed)

Kai's POV

"Guys! We can do this!" Cole shouted.

"We don't have time to defeat these guys! We need to get to Green before Garmadon actually does something really bad!" I yelled back.

"HAAHHA! You'll never get to your little Green Ninja friend in time!" One of Garmadon's minions shouted.

"Shut it mush-mouth!" Jay punched the minion across the face, "Hah! Take that!" Jay snickered.

"This is no time to be laughing, Jay! This is serious!" Nya glared at Jay.

"Yeah! And that's what I call you, mush-mouth!" Cole said annoyedly.

Jay scoffed in response.

"Guys stop! Now isn't the time to be fighting! We have to get to Green!" Nya scolded them.

"I agree. If we do not get to Green in time, the chances of Garmadon injuring him very badly, is very.. very high." Zane stated worriedly.

"I hate to say it.. But he's right! We've gotta get out of here.. Even if that means running away Lord Garmadon's little gang." I agreed.

"You're right, Kai. We've gotta help Green.. Even if it means running away." Cole sighed.

"Well then let's go! We don't have much time!" Nya shouted.

"Yeah! Let's go! Come on guys!" Jay seconded.


We all yelled as we attempted to run past all off Garmadon's members..


I noticed that the pony-tailed creep girl and the giant guy from earlier. Then a whole bunch of bikers pulled up in front of us.

"Looks like we've got company." Zane stated.

"I can see that, Zane!" Jay pointed to the group of bikers which was probably over a hundred or so.

"This isn't good.." I muttered.

"There was already enough of them already! Why does there have to be more!?" Jay complained.

"Shut up, Jay! Now's not the time!" Cole glared at Jay.

"Shut up both of you! We need—" Jay cut her off.

"Look!" Jay pointed to the screen which had Garmadon and Green fighting, which all got us worried since it looked like Garmadon is winning right now..

"Oh no.." Nya mumbled.

"Oh-ho-ho~" The pony-tailed girl snickered as she looked at the screen, "Looks like our Lord is beating your precious Green Ninja!" She laughed along with all the other members.

"So much for "Most Powerful Ninja", am I right?" The giant guy snickered.

I was about to reply but then.. I saw Garmadon trying to pull Green's mask off on the screen.

"Look! Guys! He's trying to—" I got cut off.

"He's trying to reveal the Green Ninja's identity!" The big guy said again.

"Ohhh! This is gonna be gooood, Killow!" The pony-tailed girl said to the big guy, which I'm guessing is named 'Killow'.

"Green.." I muttered while I watched Garmadon fight Green, and try pulling his mask off.

"Ultra Violet! Look! He pulled the Green Ninj—" Killow instantly froze in place once he realized as who he saw on the screen in front of us.. including all the other Ninja and me..

It was Lloyd..

(Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, I honestly just forgot and was having a pretty hard time in school, but it's okay now because I have all A's and it's now fall break for me! I'll probably post a couple chapters this week, so this isn't the end of me not posting for a long time again. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye! Love you guys! 💗💗)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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