Halls of Distrust.

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Blake was silent as he watched the camera, making sure Uka didn't try anything. She had been seen over in Lavaridge, but that's not close enough. He looked through the binoculars before sighing. Nothing.

Ruby sighed as he got out of the contest hall before looking up at Blake's spot. The inspector noticed before shaking his head. Nothing yet. Now that they were expecting her, she was nowhere to be found.


Ruby was brutal to the others when they tried to tell him not to work with Blake. Ok, it was only Green who had the complaint, but at least Yellow understood that he was not having it.

"You guys can't protect me. And that's the problem. I need protection, not comfort. So unless you are going to protect me, stay the hell away from me."

Yellow disappeared. Literally, Ruby thought she teleported. She practically sank into the floor, which gave Red a heart attack.


Uka appeared once at the contest hall, which happened to be the time Ruby wasn't feeling well. Blake watched her, not understanding her movements. What was she doing?

No one at the station could figure it out when he sent the video.


The young inspector yawned as he checked the cameras. Due to the IPROP and Uka's recent movements, he had gone a few weeks without sleep. But he wasn't going to let this witch hurt Ruby since that's what he had promised. The monotone voices coming from the room beside him made him sigh. It had been the same for weeks. No Uka sightings nearby since her appearance at the Contest Hall, the building he was watching from had boring conversations and nothing threatening. He was bored out of his mind, but he had to focus. His phone hummed softly before he checked it.

Ruby: "You're not still watching those screens like a robot, are you?"

Blake: "I have nothing better to do. Unless you're about to suggest something."

Ruby: "You've been sitting there for weeks with no sleep or food. Drop by my place for at least a plate of dinner."

Blake: "Ew. That's a disgusting idea."

Ruby: "Do you have anything better you could be doing?"

Blake was about to say, "Keep an eye out for Uka" when he paused. Ruby was right. He hadn't eaten anything since he made this post and he wasn't going to be able to go another night without food. His stomach growled before he sighed.

Blake: "Just promise there's no poison and I might show up."

Ruby: "My dad's not cooking. So it's not poisoned."

Blake chuckled weakly. Did he just call his dad a bad cook? That's cold. He sighed before getting up from his chair. He didn't get far before something covered his mouth and nose, a sweet smell was the last thing he detected before he passed out.


After the attacker vanished, Blake slowly managed to reach his phone and press the dispatch button. However, he held it firm waiting until it beeped twice instead of releasing instantly after the first. Then he weakly released the button and pulled his arm back to his side, listening to the steady beeping that followed the second. His misty eyes stared at the phone with faint hope.


Ruby got alerted when he saw the building being blocked off.

He wasn't too alerted since there were other residences, but he couldn't help but wonder if Blake was ok. He scanned the officers before seeing Whitley. Why was she here? He went over to Aria, who nodded to him.

"What happened?"

"Not sure. An Ambulance already raced to the hospital." His heart sank before Whitley got on the phone with someone.

"A second location? Is it-" Her face said a lot as she hissed. "No, stop there. Never mind." Ruby frowned as he looked up at Blake's perch. He wasn't there, but hopefully he actually slept. He finally went over as Whitley hung up. She noticed his approach before getting out from behind the tape.

"What happened?" She gulped softly before dropping to a whisper.

"Blake got hit. They just sent him to the hospital." His heart sank further as he shuddered. "Ruby, go. I need to go check to see who the second target was." He nodded before running off, allowing her to take off.


Blake was quietly resting in the hospital bed, weak from what had happened. Ruby gently got beside him, waking him up a little. The misty eyes said enough as Blake trembled. Ruby gripped his hand, steadying his shaking.

"Blake... I'm here..." The younger boy looked at him, a weak smile crossing his face before he trembled. Ruby gulped as he took his hand into his own two hands, helping him steady himself as he felt the calm grip. Blake eventually relaxed, falling asleep in the process. Ruby gulped. "I'm not leaving... not until I know you'll be ok..."


Whitley arrived as Emma fended off the Kalos Dexters' questions. Upon seeing her, her first words said it all.

"Guess what he had?"

"No." She chuckled as she got behind the tape. "Just don't say a gun and I won't stab you."

"It's worse than a gun."

"What the hell is worse than a gun?" Emma chuckled before leading her inside, getting a complaint from the others.

"You'll love this one. I thought I've seen it all." She brought her to a laptop before showing a disc. Whitley was about to ask when she paused.

"Please don't tell me that's what I think it is." Emma's smile got bigger.

"A recording of what the attacker did? Yes." Disgust filled the Unova Dexter's face before she continued. "He also has evidence bags that target Tressi and Kari as well." Whitley gulped.

"Fuck- That's-" She hummed. "Has he gotten to the hospital?"

"Yeah. He went right into a coma though." Whitley hummed.

"Two Dexters, not a single connection between them." Emma shook her head.

"They were involved with the Kari, Tressi, Uka case. X was a victim for all three so far." Whitley paused.

"He was a victim for Tressi?" Emma nodded.

"Apparently, he sent in a RASK kit to the station down in Unova and it helped take her down in court." Whitley hummed as she sighed.

"So... is she targeting people who went against the other two? Or anyone that was involved with the case?" Emma shrugged.

"Not sure. But she has two down and we don't know what she did. Except." She held up the disk. "Whatever is on here." Whitley gulped at that.


Ruby was silent as Whitley joined them. The doctors had fed him and checked his vitals before, so Blake was resting quietly. Ruby glanced at her as she spoke.

"How is he?"

"Shaky. I've managed to keep him relaxed." She hummed as Blake murmured something incoherent, probably his mind drifting. She gulped.

"Well, until we can get him back up, we've got a problem."


Ruby was pale at her words.

"I- I can't-" She rubbed his back as he trembled. "I can't go out there if she's wandering. She'll kill me-"

"Ruby, we won't let that happen. If Blake was able to protect you, then we'll do everything in our power to make sure you get the same protection." He nodded softly before she pulled away. "In fact, if you want to be here with him, I'll set up a guard for you here so that you are guarded at all time with him. Ok?" He nodded as he cleaned his face.

"Thank you..." Blake shuddered before he turned back to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder to relax him. Whitley smiled before getting up.

"I'll make sure that protection is up before tonight." He nodded as she left.

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