Chapter 1

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No one had expected it to happen to them. No one ever thinks it will happen to them. In every human there is an invincible mentality that keeps them all sane, so they can continue on with their everyday lives. But today wasn't like any other day.

It had been four o'clock in the morning on that late April day when the sirens began to sound. The ground was damp as five teenagers crept out of their homes, backpacks filled with things they felt they would need, as they made their way to a park located all the way at the edge of their small town. They congregated at the shortest tree in the park, as plJaned just days before. The tree had seemed tainted to them somehow. Just days before it had been a symbol of lazy August afternoons of screwing around and your-mom jokes. But today, there would be no Cherry Coke or complaints about unreasonable teachers.

"So this is really happening." Drew said, quietly as she spotted her friends approach. Mia stared at her feet as Sam came to her two best friends for a much needed hug.

"Where's Jim?" Chad asked, impatiently. He was fidgeting, and his eyes flickered as he tried to hide his fear.

"Right here." Jim called, jumping over the fence. "Do we all know the plan?"

"What plan?" Chad asked, slightly annoyed. "We have no plan. The world is ending and we have no plan."

"Wait." Sam said. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" asked Drew.

"Shut up," Mia shushed, cocking her head as she listened. The sound of screeching echoed in the distance, mixing with the screams of its victims. "It's starting. They'll be here soon. We need to move."

"Move where?" Chad asked, letting his fear turn into anger. "This was stupid, we should have stayed with our parents."

"Don't say that." said Jim, slapping Chad in the back of the head. "We can't regret our decision. Not this early. Haven't people been talking about a shelter?"

"Yeah, but we have no idea how to get there." said Drew, standing up from where she sat below the tree.

"I say we screw everyone else. We should lay low and wait for the panic to end." Mia said. "But for now, we need to get away from people, get out of town. We can't stay here."

"She's right," agreed Sam, starting towards Mia. "You guys coming?" There was no verbal answer, but the rest responded by taking up their things and following the two girls toward the end of town.


The five had been walking for less than an hour, the amount of houses dwindling by the minute. They had yet to see any sign of life, as they passed house after house.

"Hey," Jim called from the back. "What's up with that house?" The group stopped as they turned to face the house in question. The door had been left gaping open, and moss had molded its way into the boards. Ominous wind swept from the inside, coming out through the door, as if the house itself were breathing.

"We should check it out." said Drew, already starting to walk towards the open door.

"Um, how about no?" Mia asked, keeping her distance. "Are you crazy?"

"Come on, we didn't get to loot anything yet, and there could be something cool in there." said Chad, joining Ariana at the porch.

"Alright, don't come crying to us when you get eaten alive." warned Sam, backing away from the house.

"Come on, just a quick look." said Jim.

"Fine," she said, giving in.

"What?" asked Mia, giving Sam a dirty look.

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