Chapter 2

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The Jeep pulled up to the hospital, a trip this old beat up car knew well. It had been nearly an entire year since the four friends had come into possession of it, and though it had been a stolen mode of transportation, it had become more of home for them.

"Alright, we're here." Sam said, whacking a sleeping Jim in the forehead before stepping out of the Iron Horse. "I can't believe you lost that stupid screw again."

"Hey, have you ever tried maintaining a mechanical arm? I don't think so!" he said stretching and slamming the car door. "And let's not forget, I lost that damn joint screw saving your sorry ass."

"Yeah, yeah." mumbled Sam, pulling one of her swords out of the trunk.

"What's taking you guys so long?" yelled Chad from the hospital entrance.

"YO MAMA!" called Jim, jogging toward him.

"Fuck off, Chad." said Sam, joining Jim. The four entered the hospital, finding it as cheerful as ever. Grotesque mold had formed on the walls, and blood was spattered across every other sheet of ugly wallpaper.

"Hey, pizza!" called Mia, running up ahead toward a box left at the front desk. "How'd we miss this before?"

"Why is there pizza in a hospital?" asked Sam, running over and lifting the top of the box.

"That shit looks infected." commenting Chad, lifting a piece as green slime oozed off and fell with a slap back into the cardboard box.

"Who cares?" screamed Jim. "I'm tired of canned beans, shit makes me fart so hard, my asshole's the size of Texas."

"Are you fucking crazy?" Sam yells, slapping the pizza out of Jim's hand. "Do you want to turn into that fat fuck that killed our friend a year ago?"

"That's messed up, dude." nodded Mia.

"Who gives a shit about Drew? She's gone was her own damn fault for trying to leave us behind." he said, turning his back on the nasty pizza and continuing forward. Silence fell across the room before the rest of the friends exchanged a look and followed Chad into the next room. "Here." Chad called to Jim, tossing him a screw.

"Wait!" Mia called as Chad began walking toward the exit again. "Did you get the antibiotic ointment? I can't patch you guys up without it."

"Yeah, and the bandages and needles you won't stop bugging me for." he said, holding up his bag, keeping his face forward and continuing his pace towards the entrance.

"Alright..." Mia said, exchanging gChads with the other two as Chad continued out the front entrance and out to the car.

"Let's go, losers!" he called from the car, a fake smile on his face. The rest did as they were told, walking out the front of the hospital, towards the car.

"Oh, shit." Sam cursed under her breath.

"What?" the others asked, turning towards her. Her only response was a faint gesture with her chin and reaching at her back, readying her swords.

"Here we go," Jim mumbled, quickly jamming in his screw and running toward the trunk of the Iron Horse to get his weapon. As he did so, the sounds of screeching and moaning only escalated as a hoard of walkers made their way towards the old hospital.

"Wait, we have a car. I'm sure we can out drive them, they're only walkers." Mia said, ready to get back into the Iron Horse.

"Fuck that!" he called, running toward the hoard, his chainsaw revving over his head as he went.

"You moron!" called Sam, slamming the car door closed as she pulled out both of her swords, running after him.

"I guess we have to go, too, huh?" Mia asked, looking over at Chad. He nodded, making her sigh as she walked over to the trunk. "But my weapon's so heavy...'Yeah, Mia, you should take the giant sledgehammer, it'll be badass!'. Why'd I ever listen to that garbage?" she complained, heaving the hammer onto her shoulder, taking her sweet time in walking over to the hoard. Chad had already ran past her with his double ended blades, getting into the carnage and gore. She had only gotten a couple swings in before the ground below them began to quake.

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