A Helpful Hand

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I was still very much shocked and shaking from the recent discovery, that is my dad's car completely wrenched with blood.

I took out my phone to call scott, I didn't know who else to call, my dad was fucking missing !? My eyes were watering as the thought really started to settle in my mind....

My dad's missing.

I felt nothing but pain, it's like all the sadness, all the rage, all those confusing and merging emotions disappeared and left only the pain.

My phone rang, once, twice, but scott didn't respond. I felt betrayed,

I've always done my best to be there for him and when I need it where is he !?

The pain I felt blinded me, I normally would've just shrugged and said that he was probably busy. But right now, the pain told me otherwise and now that I was alone, with the realization that I may never see my dad again, I didn't want to try and think of excuses for Scott.

I looked down, my vision blurred by the tears that didn't seem to stop rolling down my cheeks, leaving behind a bitter--salty taste on my lips.

I clicked one last time on Scott's number but this time he picked up.

St:Scott I need you're help, please my--it's my dad he--

Before I could finish my sentence a familiar voice spoke out

?:Stiles ?

I looked down at my phone, whipping my tears from my cheeks and trying to make my vision clearer, and then I realized that I did not click on Scott's contact number but on the one right below his,


St:Oh, hum...hey Derek, forget what I just said I don't want to--

De:Stiles are you doing ok ? You sound like you... There was a small silence that seemed to last ages as I waited for him to finish talking, were you crying ?

St:What ? Oh that, no, that's just...that's just a cold. Even I, cringed at my own very obvious lie.

De:Where are you ? He asked, his voice was calm and gentle but at the same time it all seemed like it hid something more.

It felt nice to hear another voice then my own, one that I knew was real.

I never noticed that his voice was so soothing...

Having someone to talk to made me stop thinking of the horrible ways my father could've been killed...

De:Stiles are you still there ? Stiles, hold on I'm coming... Just, just hold on. Can you do that ?

I felt like crying all over again, I wanted to cry again, as if it'd make anything better. Normally I would've told a lie and convince Derek that it was nothing but I realized that....

I want him here...I want someone to be here, for me...

St:I'm at my house.... I weakly hold onto my dying pride.

I've always been able to control those panic attacks by myself so why did I suddenly felt the need to have someone here, with me...

De:I'll be here in no time don't worry just, stay where you are. It sounded like an order but weirdly it wasn't threatening.

I waited for him to hang up but he never did. The whole time he drove to my house he stayed on the phone with me, I could almost hear his stress but right now I only focused on the weak breath I heard through the phone that assured me of his presence.

Before I knew it he was in front of me, getting out of his car in a hurry

De:Stiles ! Are you alright ? I looked at him, his hand cupping my face and twisting it, searching for injuries

He looked at the bloodied car in my driveway and I could feel his gaze harden, I waited for the question.

"what happened ?"

But to my surprise he didn't ask, he simply looked back at me, his gaze softening, he even managed a small smile.

De:Everything is going to be ok. He assured, I didn't believe him.

The pain led place to determination, I had to stop acting like that and start searching for my dad ! I wiped the remaining tears that dried my skin and tried walking towards my house, my knees still weak.

Derek seemed to notice my struggle and he took my arm gently, pulling it over his shoulder, he was now supporting part of my body weight.

Once I arrived in front of my house I moved away from Derek, not wanting to bother him any longer.

St:Thank you...you, you can leave now. I told him, he looked at me with what I could only guess was disappointment

De:Do you want me to leave ?

I was taken aback by the question,

Did I ?

I didn't even know if I wanted him to leave or not,

I just figured he'd want to leave now that he knew I'm fine.

De:Hey stiles, if you want me to leave I'll go but...I don't think you should be alone, he looked behind his back towards the car, especially after that.

I looked at him, putting on my best smile

St:No it's fine I'll call scott and I'm sure he'll pick up this time, I'll also call the cops and report... Whatever that is, I managed a little laugh.

I found my lie to be quite convincing, my facial expression looking truthful and my heartbeat as steady as it could be after crying my eyes out.

Derek frowned, eyebrows furrowed, I wasn't sure how to interpret that reaction, but then again Derek had always been a challenge to read.

Did he not believe me...

De:Fine but, keep me updated. I'll go see what Scott's up to and tell him to come look after you. I was thankful for Derek's understanding, I nodded.

Derek left, looking back at me and my heart pinched when I saw the worried look he wore,

I could be imagination things but it seemed really....real

I entered my house, almost collapsing to the ground when I took my first steps.

Maybe I shouldn't have told him to leave...

I focused, I couldn't let my emotions take over. I needed to find my dad. I needed to see if he is okay. And to do that I had to start searching for him.

I thought about calling Dean and Sam but ultimately I decided otherwise, they already didn't think I was capable of protecting myself so if I called them to get help they'd never let me join them on a hunt.

Also, it would only stress them out. I didn't want to add onto their already nerve wrecking hunts...


Did I not post for months ? Yes... I'm sorry I've just been overwhelmed with classes and everything. I didn't have time to write much lately

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