A Solution At Last

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I let myself breath, putting my emotions aside for a while. They didn't show weakness but they altered my judgment and I couldn't let that happen. Not now that time was ticking.

I dissociated, forcing myself to see the case as I would any other. It was hard but I could do it.

Separating things was what I was good at. I separated my family and the pack, my past and my present, my inner self and my outer self. Now I just needed to do that with this problem.

Taking out a tissue from my pocket I shakily opened the back door of the car. I didn't have those specialized kit to test DNA like in the movies to collect the blood but I knew how to analyze blood. I didn't even remembered learning how to do it, maybe it was just the fact that I enjoyed human biology and that I studied on my own as well as at school. With the right tools I could run the tests by myself. I just needed a sample, check, I mentally said while holding up the blood soaked tissue, and the right machines.

That was not checked on my list. Sure Dean had done a beautiful work down in the basement with the training room but it was meant for me to stay in shape and perfect my technics with various weapons. However, I doubt he thought about bringing a full on police murder case machine.

Wait, that's right ! A police case, I just have to get inside the police station and use the machines from the scientific lab.

I folded the tissue, making sure the blood wouldn't be contaminated inside my pocket. I took out my phone, I needed to take pictures before I moved the car. Moving it was risky, I could destroy clues, but it was necessary. Someone other than me already saw it and it's too many people. I'm lucky Derek didn't ask questions, but if my neighbors or really anyone else saw that car, they would not act as such.

I took pictures upon pictures, making sure every angle of that car was captured inside my phone. I captured every drop of blood, every trace, every small detail. Those that didn't seem important, mattered. Most of the time it's the apparently "useless" details that gives you the key to unlock everything.

Reminding myself that I needed to stay focused, I climbed into the driver's seat, swallowing my disgust as I felt the already drying blood sticking to my clothes once I sat in front of the steering wheel.

I manages to get the car inside the garage with difficulty, I knew how to drive but I wasn't very precise with my movements and I usually stuck too much to the right, I was too used to being on the passenger seat so now that I was behind the wheels I had a tendency to drive too close to that side.

I tried keeping my mind off of what I was doing to simply do it as fast as possible. It was important no one else saw or heard of what happened. I debated whether or not I should call Derek and tell him it was a prank or some other lie. It was not a good thing that someone else knew about what happened, especially since we have no idea who or what possibly did that or their motivation. This could be very dangerous, especially since I could be discovered, well at least my past could be.

I would have preferred it to stay hidden, a dark place filled with memories that forever will stay with me. A place that didn't defined me as a person but also one that forged me into what I have become. It was not something I wanted people to know about but at the same time the only people I was truly comfortable with were those who knew and simply didn't care about my past. They knew, but decided that it didn't matter. I was me and they accepted that part of my whole.

I got out of the car, locking the door behind me. I took a peak outside to make sure nobody saw me. Once I made sure everything was clear I closed the garage door, letting the room be absorbed into the darkness. I didn't turn on the light though. I knew my house and honestly I didn't want to see the bloodied car any longer.

I got inside the living room and bolted towards my room, I needed a change right now. I didn't have the time to take a shower, even though I would have loved it to relax and get that blood off of me. Once I got inside I grabbed the first items that I could find, an old, unwashed t-shirt that had been laying on the floor for 3 days and a fresh pair of jeans. That wasn't the best of combos but it was still better then the clothes I was wearing now that they had been inside the car.

I will never look at them or wear them the same way after tonight.

I quickly put those on, finishing as I walked down the stairs. I had wasted too much time already, and I wasn't about to let another second escape my grip. I opened the front door and left my house quickly, not caring much about anything other than the police station and the tests I had to run.

I was in a hurry but I wasn't careless either as I had made sure to bring the clue filled tissue with me.

I didn't know for how long I had ran but after a while I finally arrived in front of the police station. Nothing seemed out of place but I could see on the parking lot that the place my father usually parked his car in was empty. I didn't know why I was surprised, I knew damn well the car wouldn't be there. It was in my garage. But something in me still found the case weird, I couldn't believe something like that could have really happened.

I was sweating after that long run but it didn't matter, I had to act normal and as nonchalant as possible in order not to raise any suspicions.

St:Heyyy ! I said cheerfully at the woman, Jessica I believe, that registered who entered the building.

Je:Stiles, what brings me the pleasure to see you here ? She said, I wouldn't say she was sarcastic but she wasn't sincere either.

St:Ah, sorry Jess I know I bring you troubles sometimes but I promise this is nothing. I said back, putting my whole into being believable

She shook her head, making me sweat a bit as I thought she would ask me to leave but the small smile that appeared on her lips made me laugh a bit in relief.

Je:You always bring trouble, we'll I'm waiting what's up ? She said, a smile on her face

St:Come on you know that's not true. I forced myself into participating in her small talk. I was in a hurry but I couldn't let that show or else she might become suspicious. I just wanted to pass by and say a quick hi to my dad.

I smiled, I was about to scratch the back of my neck but I recalled having to run all the way here and the probably very obvious sweat marks under my armpits. I smiled awkwardly, waiting for her answer. She raised an eyebrow at me.

Je:He left a while ago, sorry Stiles but he's probably home by now. Didn't you see he's car's not here anymore. She indicated, pointing towards the parking that was right in front of the office.

St:Ahah yeah, I know. Okay you found me out, I want to pull a little prank on him and I need access to his office for that. I tried again.

Je:St-no. Stiles you can't do that !

St:I'm not asking you to be my sidekick, I just want access to his office I promise it's nothing dangerous of too messy. I said, extanding my arms into the air in sign of my innocence.

Je:Stiles... She said, taking a bit longer to say my name on the last syllable.

I simply smiled and repeated "I promise", she sighed and I silently exhaled in relief. She handed me a spare key of his office which I gladly took. I thanked her over and over again.

I calmly walked towards the corridor that led to everyone's offices and once I knew I was out of sight I ran for my dad's office. Fiddling with the keys I opened the door.

I thought I would find this room to be completely rampaged and destroyed but everything seemed in it's place. Everything was neat.

Too neat.

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