004. confession

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"i fucking cock-blocked"



the moment we all winded up in sam, tara's, and quinn's apartment; their big couch consumed my entire body and comforted me in the way i needed.

sam decided to stay alone in the stairwell of their apartment complex to cope with her feelings after what those girls had said. she was infuriated by it all and needed time alone. as for me, i stayed back with everyone else because chad insisted i watch tv or nap at their apartment so i'm not alone.

"-my head is fucking pounding." i groaned in pain.

"i'll get you an aspirin." mindy got up from the couch.

"-fuck, you're a real life saver." i held my thumbs up with a cheeky smile. ethan laughed at my pain from the couch he was seated at in front of me.

-"ay, cowgirl. go to bed." chad walked out of tara's room; surprisingly with a guilty looking quinn right behind her.

i didn't understand why, till i put all three together. "you cock-blocked them."

"what? no... no.." quinn stuttered as she looked between chad and i. mindy laughed from the island where she was getting me a pill from.

chad dropped his head in embarrassment from it all.
"-okay, i may have." she confirmed.

"aw, poor you." mindy smacked chads back.

"that's the best part of this whole night so far." i gratefully accepted the aspirin from her and swallowed it down. chad had walked over and lifted my legs to sit beneath them on the couch very quietly.

"-we weren't gonna do anything." He lied.

i pretended to believe him, "mm-hmm. you were just gonna kiss and makeout to ease the tension from tonight, but on a friendly level, of course." i teased.
"-no strings attached." mindy added.

"shut up." he smacked my leg. both mindy and i broke out laughing at the boy who remained a fresh tomatoe.

"at least you almost got action." ethan mumbled to make chad feel better.

"hey, you can have action if you weren't such a pussy." chad scolded him, pointing in my direction 'secretly' behind my foot.
"shut up!" ethan whisper-yelled.

"leave him alone, chad." i kicked his knee.
"-ow!" he rubbed his knee childishly.

"you're just mad you got cock-blocked." i got up from the seat and stretched out my entire body.

"-go to bed, kenz." chad pointed towards me.
"where do you think i'm going, dipshit?"

as i began to walk away, "go follow her!" chad whisper-yelled towards ethan. my back turned towards them kept my quiet chuckling a secret.

"are you kidding, no. no!" ethan kept denying.

all the forcing from chad really did nothing for the nervous boy in front of him. ethan just kept denying his advances because he was too innocent to want to do anything whatsoever. so of course, i'd be the one to initiate something with a dorky little boy.

"ethan." i called out, leaning on the doorframe that led to the hallway where the girls bedrooms were. i planned to nap in quinn's room for the meantime before chad and ethan gather me towards our apartment.

"-y-yeah?" he stuttered.
"-come with me." i ushered.
"okay." he quickly said, standing and following me.

"yes!" chad cheered 'quietly'.
"shut up, chad!" ethan and i said in unison.

"damn, you guys are mean." chad pouted.

quinn's room radiated sex the second i laid on the bed where she does her dirty deeds, how gross. definitely not a good spot to bring ethan to, especially with how innocent the guy is. he'd probably be so awkward with handling this situation.

he approached the door and peaked his head inside, "come inside and shut the door, ethan." i said.

ethan nodded and shut the door behind him, "am i, um... am i supposed to lay down with you? i don't know how this works."

i giggled, "ethan, i'm not gonna kill you. just come lay with me."

the boy nodded and came to lay down right next to me. we stared at the ceiling for a couple silent moments that remained comforting. my cowgirl hat had winded up falling forward and covering most of my face. we laughed at it before ethan lifted the hat above my head and gave me a soft smile. "i-i couldn't see your face very well."

"oh, hey." i giggled.
"howdy." he said.

we stared at each other like there was something on our mind. ethan was the first to break the ice i expected to be broken, "is it weird that i am really nervous being this close to you?" he said.

the hesitance in between us was cute. it shows how protective he is of me and how our friendships been. there's always been that sort of protectiveness. i scooted closer towards him, "i wouldn't say it's weird. to be fair, i kind of think i am too." i admitted.

"-really?" his face grew surprised.
"-yeah." i said.

i looked at him, "because of last year, and losing my mom, to losing amber. i haven't tried anything with anyone. that's why i'm disappointed i haven't tried anything with you like i want to." my mouth exposed me more than i wanted to at the moment. his face had lightened up while i covered my eyes from embarrassment. "-i talk too much." i mumbled.

"it's okay, i do too. i'm shocked i haven't blurted anything out." ethan laughed.

"so now you know i like you..." i admitted again.
"...and you know i like you." he added.

"have you even had your first kiss?" i giggled. hiding it behind my hand.

his mouth went agape, "wow, are you making fun of me?"

"no, no! i am just curious." i shrugged.

"hmm, then no. i haven't." he admitted.

this was a good opportunity to take, one to make a move with someone that i've been wanting to make moves on for awhile now. "i can change that for you."

we locked eyes deeply now, faces inches apart. the butterflies in my stomach turned around desperately waiting for the kiss to finally happen. his eyes flickered down towards my lips before smiling softly and leaning in further to hopefully bring us together.

"-hey guys! you need to.... see this."

chad barged into the room intensely, but immediately dropped his face when he noticed what he had interrupted now that both of us scooted further apart and hid our blush beneath our hands.

"fuck. i cock-blocked. i fucking cock-blocked. i pulled a fucking quinn move." he threw his hands in the air.

"-i fucking told you not to go in there!" she yelled from the hallway behind him.

"ah, fuck! pretend that didn't happen for later... but right now, i need you both to come quick." he urged quickly in a panicked stance, alerting us both to get up from our spots and end the moment we were just about to have.

how fucking fun.

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