welcome home Elena

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The romano's welcomed their princess in grand manner .

Elena got familiar with aslan and Nicolas . She met her brothers but there was a little hesitation from elena's side toward them and they were also afraid of hurting or forcing her to accept them .

Elena was beaming happily seeing all the arrangements her brothers and father did for her welcome .

Now they were at lunch table enjoying the feast prepare by Xander and Damian .

Elena ate the first bite of 🍝 spaghetti
And she exclaimed in taste .

It's so yummy dad . She said

Really you like it.

I love it .

Your elder brother damian prepared it for you .

Really you know how to cook brother . She looked at him in awe .

Yes . Why are you so surprised cant men cook .

No you don't look like someone who can cook .

Then how do I look .

You look like who can burn the kitchen if he tries to cook something.

Everyone laughed at her words.

Sorry i didn't mean to joke on you . You are a great cook brother . She said

Damian blushed at her compliment. Thank you Lil sister. I will cook for you daily if you like my cooking. Damian said .

No no it's okay don't bother yourself by daily cooking . It will be tiring and a waste of time . We must have chefs here to do the cooking right dad she looked at aslan .

Yaah we have chefs here .

It's not a waste of time for me Lil one if i cook for you . Damian said .

Okay then i won't stop you . She said .

Okay no more talks first finish your food . Aslan said

Last question she gave puppy eyes to aslan .

Everyone chuckled at her cuteness

Did you prepared all of this alone .

No Xander also cooked half of it . The meat dishes are prepared by him .

Really you can also cook brother .she looked at Xander .

He just nodded .

Then i will surely eat everything today . Dad pass me the meat balls she said .

Sure eat well my love . Aslan patted her head .

It's so yummy brother . Elena said as she chewed the meat balls .

Who is a better cook in the two of us .
Damian asked

I can't decide that , you both are best cooks  .

That's not fair you should say one name .

If i say your name brother then Xander will be upset and if i said his name then you will be upset . And i don't want to upset any of you . Elena said looking down at her plate .

Hey princess don't think like that none of us will be upset with you ever. Damian said

Yes Elena , whatever you do , we are happy . So don't feel like that dear . We are happy you thought so much about us . Xander said. 

Elena looked up at her brothers who were all looking at her intently.

Really you won't be upset with me ever . She asked .

Yes Elena they all said in unison .

What about you dad she looked at aslan

Ohh you don't have to ask me that princess . How can I even think of getting upset with you. I have missed you so much i can't bear to stay upset with you for a second . Aslan said patting her head .

Okay okay now stop talking , the foods getting cold . Elizah said .

After lunch aslan took Elena to rest . While the romano brothers were all went to their works .

Nicolas was out of city for some work with his sons .

Everything was seeming peaceful and happy for the romano's after a long time ....

But how long will it last ....

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