will she go ?

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Elena finished her school with the best grades in her school and aslan and her brothers including Nikolas and his son  couldn't be anymore proud than they were right now .

But there was a problem . A huge one after getting such good scores now Elena wanted to go to Oxford University to study . And she even got the scholarship for it . So she was next level happy and adamant to go for it .
But it was the opposite for her family .

They were worried for her safety and they were reluctant to let her go that far .

Elena was pacing back and forth in her room while talking to her bestfriend on phone .

I don't understand them really they should be happy that i got the scholarship to study at Oxford.  Like really only 1 student gets that chance even after clearing the exam . And i did they should be proud and happy to send me .

Okay what did they said when you told them .

They told me to wait in my room . But trust me their expressions told me it was a no .

Why would they will say no , they must be discussing about your stay there .

I don't know i am not having a good feeling about that . They are gonna say no . But i really want to go.  I want to make my family proud on me . I know they can give me everything i wish for and i want to repay them by making them proud .

May be they are worried because it's far and they don't want to send you so far . Your family loves you it's natural they are denying.

Elena sighed as she sat on the floor .

I also love them more than they think , i am also scared as how i am gonna live there without them maybe i should drop this idea.  Universities are also good here.  I can study here. I don't want to make them unhappy. Elena stood up .

Okay i will talk to you later . I will tell dad that i am not going .

Have you thought carefully.

Yes , I won't be happy there if they are unhappy here .

Okay all the best .

Elena hanged up and walked toward her father's office .

She knocked on the door .

In the office

What should we do about her college . Elizah spoke

What do you mean she's not going that far.  Nikolas and aslan said in unison

Dad , she's not some 2 year old whom you can say no like that

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Dad , she's not some 2 year old whom you can say no like that . She's our Elena and she wants to go . Lucifer said .

So what she's a child she doesn't knows about the danger in outer world and she will be alone there in that faraway land ...

She's living in a house full of mafia and the outer world is dangerous really dad. 

But this mafia is her family but the outer world is not . And there are many who can use as our weakness. And i swear if she gets hurt i will burn  that whole city .

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