Chapter 7

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The next morning, Kate woke up in her hotel room momentarily disoriented as she tried to remember what happened last night and why she was naked in bed with another woman. Especially since that other woman was currently cuddling into her.

Then she smiled as last night came back to her and she remembered that she slept with Supergirl last night and she had to admit, it was some of the best sex she's ever had. She didn't even mind that Kara was apparently a cuddler, even though she was not. Considering last night had been Kara's first time with a woman, Kate was willing to put up with it this once to help support Kara, since if she was anything like Sophie had been after her first time, she'd likely be panicky and the last thing Kate should do was push her away. However, since she did need to leave soon, she did proceed to wake Kara up and to her relief, Kara smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Morning." Kara said as she yawned and stretched.

"Morning. I have to admit, I was half expecting you to be freaking out right now." Kate said.

"And if this was a drunken hook up, I probably would be, but I wanted everything we did last night." Kara assured her.

"Good. Because I have to admit, even though that was only your first time with a woman, you were a natural. You were a quick study." Kate said and Kara actually blushed a bit, but she still smiled.

"So, I was good?" Kara asked, since she'd been a bit nervous she'd been lousy in bed, but it sounded like that wasn't the case.

"Kara, that was some of the best sex I've had in my life. But more importantly, how are you doing? You're not going to have a freak out now right?" Kate asked, wanting to be sure.

"No, honestly, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Though it does give me a few questions." Kara said and Kate chuckled.

"I get that. But that's not something I can help you with. Those are answers you need to find yourself. But I think that you need to figure those answers out before you talk to Lena again." Kate said.

"Why?" Kara asked as Kate rolled her eyes, but she decided not to tell Kara why.

"You'll figure it out." Kate said and Kara rolled her eyes.

"So, where do we go from here?" Kara asked and Kate sighed.

"Look Kara, this was fun and all, but I hope you weren't expecting any kind of long term commitment, since I don't think that would've worked." Kate said and to her relief, Kara let out a sigh of relief.

"Honestly, I'm relieved to hear you say that. And while I agree this was fun, I need to get going, since I have to get to work. Thank god I have super speed and that I brought a change of clothes." Kara said and Kate smiled.

"Glad to know we're on the same page. While this was fun, it wouldn't work out long term, considering that between our day jobs as a reporter and the new acting CEO of Wayne Enterprises and our nightjobs of protecting our respective cities, we wouldn't have time to make a long distance relationship work." Kate said.

"I don't disagree. But now I need to go." Kara said as she sped into the bathroom where Kate briefly heard the sound of the shower running and then a few minutes later, much faster than any human, Kara came out of the bathroom fully dressed and rinsed off.

"Wow, I wish I could get ready that quickly. But do me a favor and leave the same way you came in. It's too early for me to deal with Luke giving me shit about sleeping with Supergirl." Kate said.

"Say no more. This was fun. I'll see you either the next time you're in National City or when I go out to Gotham." Kara said and before Kate could respond she was gone.

"Well, at least she didn't ghost me." Kate said as she went to get ready herself.

When Kate came down to the hotel lobby for breakfast, she found Luke already waiting for her.

"So, how was your night?" Luke asked with a smug look on his face.

"Shut it." Kate said, needing some coffee before she could put up with him.

"Seriously though Kate, I can't believe what you managed to do last night. Or should I say who?" Luke said with a smirk.

"Just like how I can't believe Mary actually agrees to sleep with you." Kate said with a smirk at the look on Luke's face.

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked, trying to cover up, but Kate saw right through it.

"Do you really think I didn't know that you and Mary have been sneaking around behind my back for the past two years? You're not as subtle as you think." Kate said with a smirk, enjoying the reaction she was getting from Luke as she sipped her coffee before sitting down across the table from him.

"Wait, if you knew, why didn't you say anything?" Luke asked.

"Honestly, I enjoyed watching you freak out over telling me. But seriously Luke, I'm only going to say this once. Mary is the only sister I have right now, since right now, Beth is trapped deep down inside Alice and until I can get her to want to be Beth, she's no sister of mine. Anyways, if you hurt Mary in any way, well, you'll wish I just locked you up in Arkham like Bruce did his enemies." Kate said and Luke could tell that she was completely serious.

"I promise, I won't hurt her. Now, can you please protect me from your dad since now that you know, I guess we should tell him." Luke said.

"Only because I enjoy having reasons to yell at my father." Kate said.

"I can understand that. But you're sure you're okay with me being with Mary?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it beyond the threat I just made to you. Besides, it'll make things easier." Kate said.

"For what?" Luke asked.

"For bringing Mary into this." Kate said.

"Why would you want to do that? I thought you wanted to keep her safe?" Luke said.

"She'll never be safe as long as Alice is out there, since we both know she'll figure out my identity rather quickly, but even more importantly, considering the number of times I've nearly been killed, I figure it couldn't hurt to have someone with actual medical training on the team, especially one who's willing to cross lines to do the right thing." Kate said.

"I guess I can understand that and it will be nice to not have to lie to Mary anymore. But anyways, I talked to Brainy and he said that he wants you to stop by the Tower before we leave so you can get your new and improved suit." Luke said.

"Great. And did he mention updating our batcave?" Kate asked.

"He said to talk to him about that before we leave so that we could work out a day for him to come out and see exactly what he has to work with." Luke said and Kate nodded.

"Great." Kate said as they continued eating breakfast before preparing to head home.

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