Something to say

74 2 1

Well this is not a chapter. But you have to read this so that you can understand the story very clearly.

The 4 species of letters/numbers

English Alphabet

These species overpopulated the planet earth. These are from A-Z and they have a specific country. For example,

Canada (F, S)
United Kingdom (L, T)
France (G, N)
Philippines (K, H)
Japan (X)
China (Y)
Russia (B)
Greece (R)
America (the rest of the letters)

Some of them moved to another country, making the earth overpopulated.

Whole Numbers

These are the numbers that have positive or negative signs. These guys praise letters as the highest form of creation or 'variables'. They can change sign. They do respect each other, no matter what value you have. Their planet is divided into two territories;

Positive Infinity and;
Negative Infinity.

And three classifications are,

Positive numbers
Negative numbers
Neutral number (zero or 0 is the only neutral)

Natural Numbers

They're also numbers, the same as whole numbers. The difference is, natural numbers do not have any positive or negative signs and they think they're the most superior of all. They believe,

Smaller value is:

Larger value is:

They're literally the whole number's arch nemesis. These numbers wanted to rule the universe on their own.

Greek Alphabet

They have the highest position of all. They're the ones who created everything in the universe. Most legend says they're immortal, but some says they're gods. Some of the English letters are the Greek Alphabet's descendants. Such as


The Punctuation Gems. Some of them are inspired by SpaceDemon_stories

Period |.| It can freeze one person at a time and whoever wears it will be able to control the other gems that share the common appearance. Connected to comma.

Comma |,| It can also freeze two or more person at a same time and whoever wears it will be given strength. Connected to period.

Semicolon |;| It can bring two people together in one place. Connected to colon.

Colon |:| It can bring two or more person at a same time together. Connected to semicolon.

Exclamation Mark |!| It can shoot laser beams and whoever wears it will be given speed. Connected to question mark.

Question Mark |?| It can reverse time and whoever wears it will be able to read time itself. Connected to exclamation mark and ellipsis.

Asterisk |*| It can control any two unlike charges, like protons and electrons. Whoever wears it will be able to multiply itself. Connected to apostrophe.

Em Dash |-| It might look like the negative sign. But this gem can siphon your ability and use it for once. Whoever wears it will be given bow and arrows. Connected to lower dash.

Parenthesis |()| It can give shield to anyone who needs it, and its ability is bisected. Connected to braces and brackets.

Open parenthesis |(| It will give you an arc-shaped shield
Close parenthesis |)| It will give you a sphere-shaped dome.

Lower Dash/Underscore |_| It can make any noises in a different decibels. Whoever wears it will be able to hear far away. Connected to em dash.

Apostrophe |'| It can shoot radioactive lasers and whoever wears it will be powered up. Connected to asterisk.

Brackets |[]| It can make any wingless letters fly and whoever wears it will be able to fly, or speed up (if it is winged). Connected to parenthesis and braces.

Braces |{}| It is paired with a sword and it can predict the next move. Basically known as the crystal of Rho. Connected to parenthesis and brackets.

Slash Mark |/| It gives you a sword and whoever wears it will be given speed.

Quotation Mark |""| It can predict the next word you're about to utter and whoever wears it will be able to read thoughts. Connected to ellipsis.

Ellipsis |....| It can reverse time and whoever wears it will be able to time travel. Connected to question mark and quotation mark.

Positive Sign |+| only the positive integers can use it. It allows you to clone yourself or unite yourself with another positive integer or negative integer.

Negative Sign |-| only the negative integers can use it. It allows you to make you invisible or untouchable and it can also subtract the value of a natural number.

Multiplication Sign |×/()/•| when this three  unite, its three holders will multiply itselves three times their sum.

|×| used to multiply natural numbers.
|()| used to multiply two or more whole numbers.
|•| used to multiply any numbers.

Division Sign |/ and ÷| when this two unite, it's two holders will divide itselves two times their difference.

|÷| used to divide natural numbers
|/| used to divide whole numbers

That's all I can say. Hope you like my story and understand every sentences our characters say.

The Journey to The World of Fantasy (alphabet lore)Where stories live. Discover now