Prologue: Like Ebony Rain

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I hate when it rains.

Cus when it does, I always remember.

"If you walk out of that door, it's all over, Emily!" Dad raged.

I rebelled. Slamming the door in his face, I skipped off the porch and into the streets, nearly getting ran over in a fit of tears.

"Emily! Emily!"

I walked faster.


I walked.

And walked.

And walked.

Until, all I heard was the rain.


I wake with a gasp, heavy breathing insues, like every other night I've had this same nightmare. I look outside, the artificial moon, in high rise above the domed Newvara City, simulated droplets trickle down my window, although it's all fake weather, the patter of the rain is like an alarm I just can't miss.

I step out of bed, biometrics scanner reads a high nano-blood pressure, but nothing some regs can't fix.

Reaching for the box of tablets on my nightstand, I pop two and slip into my slippers, half registering the time on my internal HUD.

I don't need to check, to know that it was time though.

I hasten out my bedroom, not wanting to allow the risk any time to rise further, I silently cascade downstairs, the light from the TV, laminating our dark apartment living room.

Panicking, I rush to the couch, only to find him fast asleep, with the remote in his hand.

Looking at his sleeping face, only then do I begin to calm down.

He looks just like Dad.

Gingerly, I slide my arm under his legs, and another under his head, careful of his golden tresses, toppling over his closed eyes. He stirs, just slightly, as I carry him upstairs, and to his room.

Soundless, I secret him int bed, with a twist of his leg, and shift of his arm, he winks back to deep slumber, faster than I had expected.

I stand there, watching, powerless against smiling. But it's a sad smile.

Walking over to the medi-cabnet, I enter the code, and retrieve his nuero-equilizer shot. Turning back to him, I gingerly lift his sleeve, and smooth the apparatus over his flushed pallor skin, pressing inject.

He winces. I step back, as he curls, nestling within the sheets of his bed.

That should keep him steady, at least whilst he's asleep. Relieved, I release a breath I hadn't known I was holding, before I turn to exit,

As the rain patters against the window, I reach for the knob,

"Emily," He calls,


"When is he coming home?"


All I heard was the rain.

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