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Jennie was sitting on the bench at garden  with pen and sketch book in her hand.. Probably to draw her next design.. But instead of her book her eyes were fixed upon something... I would like to say someone..

Her eyes were full of anger.... At verge of crying.. She doesn't like to cry in front of someone... She wouldn't like to show that she is weak...

But she could do anything...

Seeing Him with her is very big pain in her heart...

When she realized that she is not in her room she quickly wiped her tears and focused on her design..

But  their laughter was echoing in whole garden..... Like how he was chasing her.. How they were hugging each other and kissing each other.... Was like.... Adding fuel to burning fire....

Her heart was burning.

She stood up and started to walk but....


She turned around and found Sana was calling her she wore her infamous resting bitch face..

"What are you doing here I didn't saw you before" She asked like she really didn't realize that Jennie is watching her.

"I came here to design but I need to go... It's my extra class... Bye"

"Wait" Sana moved closer to her ears and whispered..

"Don't eye my boyfriend orelse your little friends......... "

Before she could say anything..

Jennie punched her...

"JENNIE!! What are you doing"

Jennie didn't replied anything...

"Im warning you again San--"

"I'm warning you Jennie if you dare to beat her again you won't see this me again"

Sana smirked at her boyfriend's words... But soon it vanished as she saw Jennie is smirking too....

"Besides I don't wanna see you again"

Jennie started to walk and she stopped in middle and turned around and stared Them......

"You can treat her like queen but she will like a slave...... She always thinks about you being her slave Taehyung...... WAKE UP FROM YOUR FUCKING DREAMS"

When Jennie left...

Her voice her words were echoing his ears...

He kept thinking about her... Why did she say that...

When V didn't found Jennie at cafeteria he asked his friends.... They all said that Fashion department's time table had changed......

After dismissals......

"V have you talked to Jennie?"

"Did she forgive you?"

Jin and Jungkook asked...

"No besides he fought with her this morning because of his so called Girlfriend" Jimin rolled his eyes...

"Is Jimin saying right Tae?" Jisoo asked not believing what to say or do.....

"I'm so disappointed in you V"

"My sister is a human with fucking feeling same as you Taehyung"

"Joon calm down we don't deserve to talk with him" Yoongi said and took Namjoon with him.

"No words for you" J-hope said and went with Yoongi and Namjoon.

"See you later" Jennie waved at her department friends as she stepped out of university..

"Bye Jen" Wendy said..

"Bye Ruby Jane" Michael said..

"Bye Fashion queen" Solar said...

"Let me drop you" Lay said.

"No I will be going to library"


"Unnie what are you doing here it's so late"

"Your classes ends now.... We were waiting for you"


She saw Rosé. Lisa. Jin. Jimin. And V was sitting on the bench and Jungkook was sitting on the tree..

"Tae wanna talk to you"

"Unnie I have to go to library"

"Jennie you can lie to them not to me"


"No buts Jen... For me... Please"


They were just walking and walking and  walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking

Without a word

"So why you beat Sana?"

Jennie stopped at her Path and stared the sky....

"Because I want to"

"Why that so"

"She messed with me"

"What did she say?"

"None of your business"

"But Jennie"

"Do you really love her?"

"What type of question is that? I really do"

"Will you marry her?"

"Yup I will"

"It means I don't have any chances?"

"Huh??? You mean.... Don't say that you... "

"Yes I love you V"


"I really love you"

"But I don't"

"That's why you beat her you were fucking jealous to beat her.... She is love of my life Jennie and you are nothing"

"Sorry Jennie I don't feel the same" He walked away.

"Excuse me... First of all I'm not jealous and I am not a slut to cling after someone's boyfriend..... She got beaten because she cursed me and my friends.... Yes I know I'm nothing....."

He stopped and turned around..


"A Starenger will help you to get love of your life... A stranger will help you.... A Starenger will fought bullies for you and a stranger will almost sacrifice her happiness only for you"


"I thought we are best friends Taehyung but no you proved me wrong from now on we are completely Starengers... Forget that you once had a friend named Jennie who fought for you.. Stood by your side... Even when your own crush rejected you"

"Jennie come back" He screamed and watched her disappearing figure.....

I'm sorry Jennie..... I'm sorry

Hey-ya guys...

Thank you

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