Chapter 17

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I was waiting, constantly blocking out my face to avoid being noticed. But I had to keep turning my head, to see if she was at sight.

Still nothing.

I felt like the wood beneath me was pushing my feet to move away and try to fin her. But another part of me wanted to stay here since this is where I asked her to meet me.

20 minutes became half an hour and that was a bit crossing the line. The slight sunshine peeked through the very cloudy day. Taunting me more in the eyes to get out of here.

Then I heard screams. I jerk my head to see a flashing mob of running teenagers. I was about to hide my head as they were approaching, but then they turned to the right. "LAURA MARANO!"

And thats what got me up. I started running towards the flashing mob. They didn't notice the blonde famous rockstar of R5, running with them. They were too caught up in heading towards the brunette petite girl that was already at sight.

She was circled by fans lined up, planning to meet her and taking pictures. Every smile she take was replaced with nervousness after the snap. She couldn't get away.

I pushed through the crowd. "Laura!" I shouted as I made it to the middle. fans only screamed more at the sight of my addition.

I made it to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Ross!" Her eyes widen. "I know this looks bad but I promise you this wasnt my intention! A fan wanted a picture and then another then another then another and I hope you're not ma-..."

"Hey" I cut her off with a slight chuckle. "Im just glad you're okay" I pulled her in a hug. "I was worried" My words lingering in her neck.

The screams around us was so loud that it was silent. If that even made sense. I erased every sound around and just focussed on her. We pulled aways slightly. "Im really sorry" she said as I saw the guilt in her eyes.

I was about to say something when the fan in front of us wanted a picture. "Let's talk after this" I whispered to her as we took a picture.

We stayed their for a good half hour. It was heart breaking to see the sun slowly rise down as every fan took at least 5-10 pictures with us.

We finally had the courage to excuse ourselves out of there. We just bowed our heads as every eye was watching us leave. Some staring and some still taking pictures. We waved and smiled goodbye to avoid being rude.

They should've at least understand that we were on a date. So it wasn't a surprise that they let us go.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to frag her away. She was silent for the first few steps towards back Critter Country.

It was 3:00 pm. And I'm not wasting any moment in silence. "You okay?" I asked, stopping in our tracks.

I kept my eyes on her bowed head still trying to figure out what's wrong. "Laura?" I lifted her chin. "I feel like I wasted an hour on our date." She says.

I sighed knowing this affected her so much. "Hey, you couldn't say no to the fans. Its not your fault" I gave her a genuine smile. I had to find a way to make her feel better, which I already found.

One of the few fun attractions to go on here in Disneyland. Which so happens to be her favorite ride. I slid my hand onto hers, interwinding them as I start to lead her to the line of people at sight.

Hearing the scream of the fallen log to the depths of the waters. I saw her smile as we approached and went to the end of the line. "Do you know this is my all time favorite ride?" She said, creating a conversation in our wait.

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