Into to the Random (TWST)

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*TWST doesn't belong to me, only the story and characters (Aki, Tigress, Maru, Gogo, Fukui) do*
*This is just for fun*

" your punishment, miss'll be suspended for two days."

"Huh! She should be expelled!"

"I'm the principal of this school, mister! I'll let you know that your attitude is what got you into this mess. Me and my staff are tired of dealing with your foolish actions!"

"B-but she's the one who hit me!"

"In witnesses eyes' your the one who started this whole ordeal. Talking about miss Viotto's half-sister who was in a accident recently."

The conversation was cut short as there was a knock on the door. A person with long light brown hair and pretty golden eyes walked in. This person is my older sister, Gogo. We look totally different from each other, as she looks more like our actual mom. Our parents got divorced when I was around five.

As a kid I didn't know what was happening at first. My sister explained it several years later. Even though she explained after our father got remarried to our step-mom. We all love her better than our actual mom, even my older brother. Me and my sister have a slightly big age gap between us, she being 25 and me being 16.

"Hey there. The front staff let me in."

"Ah. Guremu are you here to pick up your younger sister?"

My sister doesn't like to be called by her full name, so she goes by Gogo. Gogo is a famous doctor, my brother is a professional Animal Trainor. I used to be a professional gymnast (before I injured my knee). My half-sister is a singer (like our dad, who is a famous Italian singer), and our step-mom is a Veterinarian who also runs an animal rescue ranch. All of us help around the ranch from time to time.

Another fact is that our dad, mom, and step-mom are childhood friends. Our father lived in Italy for most of his life before he moved to Nagoya. His father (our grandpa) was a travel salesman, so he brought our dad with him whenever he traveled. One of his travels was to Nagoya where he met our mom and step-mom on a farm. He loved the farm so much, that when he was old enough to move he decided to come here.

"Come on Aki, lets get back to the Ranch. Maru is waiting for his food."


I waved my hand and followed my sister out of the room. As we walked out you could hear muffled yelling as the principal was telling Fukui off. When we made it outside of the school, I was leaped on with a tight hug. Looking down I see my childhood friend and ex-gymnastics partner, Tigress, and our classmate, Yuu. Maru was on Tigress's shoulder croaking.

We both fell down to the ground, both of us laughing. I stopped and looked at Tigress, going to say something to her but my mind stopped me. Images flashed into my mind as if I hit my head on something. I closed my eyes as I felt my head pound. Opening my eyes to darkness, and a tight space.

I hit my arm on something in the back of thing I was in. Feeling a light ooze of blood coming from where I hit my arm. Making me realize this wasn't a dream. I'm in another place, a place I never been to. Taking the force of my body, I try to open what I was in.

Successfully geting out of the closed space, I look around. Coffins where floating everywhere. One of those coffins bursted open with smoke. Two shadows emerge from it. One being Yuu and another i didn't know.

Yuu noticed me and ran towards me panicking. I got up from the ground and noticed something else, both of us where in robes. Trying to answer the questions, another coffin door opened, revealing Tigress who was also in a robe. The creature who blew Yuu's door open came up to them, asking for their robes.

All three of us ran out of the room and into a library. The tanuki was still following us. We then heard a loud "wssh" and the tanuki let out a cry. A tall man with dark green hair walked in. He was dressed "nicely", but a crow mask covered his face.

"Is this guy going to a masquerade?"

"Hmm...wait you are the three missing children, now follow me."

"Where are we, crowman!?"

"Ah! Babe, why are you so blunt!?:

"He kind of reminds me of that one song."

"You too, Yuyu...actually your kind of right. That one about the crow and the butterfly."

"What are you three muttering on about? Follow me to the orientation."

"Umm...Sir where are we at exactly?"

"You really don't know? This is a school that helps grow your magic. Night Raven College!"

"He's really prideful huh?"

We all followed the crowman back to the building we were in. The tanuki was being carried by his tail. He kept trying to get out, but the crowman squeezed harder. As we approached the door, you could hear many people talking. As soon as a voice said that the crowman probably had a stomach ache, he burst through the two doors.

"I do not have a stomach ache. I was getting our missing students!"

Everyone soon went to mumbling as they were disappointed. Some people sighed at his appearance, some of them had their eyes light up. Carefully looking around the room one last time, I realized...these people where all men! Yuu and Tigress seemed to catch on to this. Tigress grabbed my arm and Maru hopped to my shoulder.

"Sir...all these people are men, right?"

"Why, yes. This is a all boy school, after all."

"So...should we really be here then?"

"Why shouldn't you be. The Magic Mirror did chose you three."

"But me and Tigress are girls, Yuu can be categorized as whatever-


"anyway...but other then that, why would it choose us?"

When I said that everyone stopped talking and looked at us. The crowman turned around to look at us closely. Everyone's faces where filled with shock. A event that would soon go down in history. Even after a couple months went by, some got used to us, while others don't know how to approach us.

To all of us, after coming to this strange place, it's been one adventure after another. We got used to this place after awhile. It felt like our second home. Like Alice, we also fell down a rabbit hole and made it to Wonderland. Yuu was in charge of Grim and I was in charge of keeping everyone in check, Tigress was in charge of keeping the Ghost Camera safe.

This was a journey that will only get darker along the way. I now what will happen next thanks to having premonitions. Almost like I have magic that has not soon awaken. Even after all of that, we still have fun. Although this adventure will turn into something that can lead to a end of a fairy tale.

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