Chapter 1 A text from Seto

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Tyler and Sub were walking down a forest path approaching a mansion.

"Is this it?" Tyler asked looking at Sub.

Sub nodded.

"Are you sure?" Tyler questioned.

Sub checked the coordinates and then nodded again showing Tyler that he was positive that this was the mansion.

"Thank God you know how coordinates work!" Tyler said.

Tyler was really bad with coordinates and probably would have gotten lost if he hadn't have run into Sub on the way here. Sub and Tyler looked up at the mansion. It looked nice with its oak wood planks, big shiny glass pain windows and beautiful spruce wood. It looked about five stories tall but for some reason it made Tyler feel a little worried and nervous. Tyler shivered.

"This place gives me the creeps." He said as he looked over at Sub.

Sub was already at the entrance waiving his hand at Tyler to come over and join him. Tyler paused for a moment unsure about entering the mansion. He then realized how stupid he was being. After all, it was just a peaceful mansion in the woods. Not a horror map. So Tyler shook his head and went to join Sub. They were about to enter the mansion when they suddenly heard voices coming from behind them. Tyler spun around to see who it was. To his surprise it was Adam with Bash, Ty, and Jason.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Adam.

"I got a text from Seto telling me to meet him at this mansion and I ran into Ty, Bash, and Jason on the way here." Adam replied.

Then Jerome, Mitch, JinBop, and Ian came out of another forest path.

"Dudes! What are you doing here?" Ian questioned.

"We got a text from Seto. Telling us to meet him here." Ty answered.

"Same with us!" Mitch exclaimed.

"That's so weird! Why would Seto bring this many people to a random mansion located in the middle of a forest?" Bashur asked to no one in particular.

"Maybe he has something special planed?" Jason suggested.

By that time Sub was jumping up and down and waiving his arms in the air trying to get the groups attention.

"Suuuuuub! Stop being so loud!" Adam joked.

Sub stopped and looked at Adam with an unamused look on his face. He hated it when Adam told him to shut up. He was mute and sometimes found it hard to deal with the fact that he couldn't speak. But he knew Adam was just joking around and they were good friends so he often just ignored it. Sub pulled out his note book and began writing in it then showed it to Adam. Adam read it out loud so the whole group could hear.

"We have been talking so much about Seto texting us to meet him here but where is he?" Adam finished reading what Sub had to say.

Everyone paused for a moment realizing that Sub was right. They hadn't seen Seto yet.

"Maybe he got tired of waiting and went in the mansion?" Jin said with a bit of uncertainty.

"Well we will never find out by just standing around." Tyler said.

"Tyler has a point." Bash said "We should prob-"

"RACE YA TO THE ENTRANCE!" Adam called out interrupting Bash.

"Hey no fair!" Bashur exclaimed and took off after Adam.

They were both getting close to the door when all of a sudden Bashur tripped and fell flat on his face.

"OWWWW!" Bash Wined.

Everyone burst out laughing except for Sub. He couldn't laugh. Another disadvantage of being mute. Tyler also did not laugh. He could have sworn he had just seen a tree root spring up out of the ground without warning and trip Bash.

"Tyler hurry up!" Ty called to him.

He looked up. It was starting to get dark. He then looked in Ty's direction to see everyone entering the mansion. Tyler had dismissed the thought of the tree root and ran to catch up to the guys. They entered the mansion and were greeted by a cozy looking brightly lit lobby. Adam went over to the couch and through one of the couch pillows at Ty and the two started to tackle using the couch pillows as shields. Sub started to look around the lobby curiously inspecting the different items. Tyler decided to join Sub and started to look around the room as well to help him forget about what had happened outside with Bash. Ian and Bashur were teaming up against Mitch and Jerome and had started playing a fake game of hunger games using whatever they could find in the room as a weapon.

"GUYS!" Jin shouted. "HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ALREADY!?! WE NEED TO LOOK FOR SETO!" Jin screamed angrily.

He couldn't believe it! They had only just entered the mansion and they already forgot that they had to find Seto.

"Right! Sorry I kind of got a little carried away." Adam said apologetically.

"Ya think." Jin said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Ok... So let's search the first floor first." Adam said.

Adam was a very funny guy but if it came down to it he could become serious in an instant.

"We should split up into groups and meet back here at 9:00 pm it's 7:00 pm now so we will have about 2 hours to search the first floor got it?" He asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Now we have to make the groups." Adam explained. "I Will go with Ty, Jason, and Jin. We can take the hallway on the right. Jerome, Mitch, Ian, and Bashur will take the middle hallway and Tyler and Sub will take the hallway on the left. Is everyone ok with that?" Adam asked.
Everyone nodded.

"Ok! See you all back here at 9:00 pm!" Adam said.

He looked at Ty. Ty knew exactly what Adam was doing.

"3...2...1...GO!" Adam yelled.

Adam and Ty took off down the right hallway. Ty nearly tripped Adam. Adam regained his balance and shoved Ty in return as they laughed down the hallway. Jason flew after them on his jet pack.

"Here we go again." Jin said and then took off down the hallway trying to catch up to Ty, Jason and Adam.

Ian, Bashur, Mitch and Jerome were already walking down the middle hallway. Tyler could overhear there conversation.

"Dude! That face plant you took when you were racing sky was hilarious!" Ian said.

"Ya!" Mitch agreed.

"I couldn't stop laughing!" Jerome exclaimed.

"Shut up! I swear something tripped me!" Bash said.

"You probably tripped yourself." Mitch joked.

They all laughed and then changed the subject.

Tyler looked over at Sub. "Are you ready?" Tyler asked.

Sub nodded and with that we started to walk down the left hallway wondering what we might find.

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