Chapter 3 The Fun is Over

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Several of the YouTubers were freaking out and a few of them had started to panic. Even Sub was running around and flailing his arms in a panic.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" Ian cried.

"Guys!" Adam said trying to get there attention.

"WE CAN'T ESCAPE!" Jin screamed.

"GUYS!" Adam yelled.

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Bashur wailed.

"GUYS! SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!" Adam shouted to the top of his lungs finally managing to get there attention.

They stopped and listened to what Adam had to say.

"It's all probably just a game." Adam said calmly.

"What do you mean by that?" Tyler asked confused.

"Remember that sign we talked about that was signed by Seto telling us to find him." Adam said.

The group nodded.

"Well that must be exactly what we have to do." Adam explained.

"Wait. So what happens if we do find him?" Ty questioned.

"Then that would probably mean that his little game of hide and seek would come to an end and we would get to leave." Adam replied.

"So now all we have to do is find him." Mitch said.

"Where could Seto be?" Jerome wondered.

"This could take a while. After all it is a big mansion and Seto could be anywhere." Said Jason.

"Jason is right. However, we can only access the first floor because the stairs had collapsed." Adam said.

"Wait. Guys look at the stairs!" Jin exclaimed.

The group looked over at the stairs to find that they were completely fine and back to normal. It didn't even look like the stairs had collapsed in the first place.

"WHAT?!" Tyler shouted with a confused look on his face.

"I bet Seto did that." Ian said.

"Should we go up?" Ty asked.

"What other choice do we have?" Jason replied.

They walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"Should some of us check the third floor?" Jin asked.

"I think it would be better if we checked the second floor first and then all went upstairs to the third floor together." Bash said.

"I agree with Bash." Mitch said.

After a little discussion, they all came to an agreement to check the second floor first. Sub was already checking the doors to see if any opened. He came to the first door. It was unlocked.

"Looks like Sub has the right idea." Adam said.

They joined Sub and entered the room. The room was a mess. There were broken vases and damaged furniture.

"What happened here?!" Jerome exclaimed.

"This just keeps getting creepier and creepier." Adam said looking around.

"I hope we find Seto soon. I don't want to be here for much longer." Jason said.

"Agreed." Said Ty.

"I don't see Seto in here. Should we check another room?" Mitch asked.

"We should search around here a little more. We might find something important like a key or another sign." Adam said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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