Tanya's Fury

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"Will escaping heal your wounds?" I questioned. Sensing I already knew the answer she'd give.

She's just told me the king violently attacked her.

For all in the Training Gardens to see. I wasn't sure that anything would've healed me if that's what Killian had done.

I suddenly realized the depth of kindness he'd shown in taking me slowly.

In teaching me.

That's not the way of things in this castle. I realized with a sinking stomach. Registering fully, perhaps for the first time, how dangerous our getaway could prove.

If I'm caught, I could be the King's next plaything.

He could do to me what he'd done to Tanya.

That was what Killian had been so terrified of when he'd carefully disguised me before allowing me up to the King's chambers.

"No. Only killing the King will."

"You know that would be nearly impossible. We're only talking about escape, Tanya." I disclosed remorsefully. "He's too guarded for anyone to get that close."

"Not if enough of us mages rally against him and his men."

I gave her a doubtful look. Saying hesitantly. "I don't think that's possible, Tanya."

"The King has never known a rage like mine." She said so fiercely that even I was beginning to believe her.


When Killian returned that night, Tanya was already asleep on the few chairs I'd pulled together and put a blanket over. Creating an uncomfortable makeshift cot. Still, it hadn't taken her long to follow into a deep slumber. Exhausted from all her crying.

I had sat curled next to her. Rubbing her back in an effort to soothe her aching soul.

That was how Killian found us.

"What the King did to her was unspeakable."

Seeing the look on my face, he slumped knowingly. "She's not leaving without killing him."

I nodded.

"Did you try to reason with her." I did. I said mournfully. Rubbing her hair. "But right now, she thinks only feeding her need for vengeance will bring her some peace."

Killian slumped a bit. "I don't see how it's possible."

"Perhaps we cannot help her." I said sadly. "Maybe it is only her mission to undertake."

"Then how can she possibly think she'll succeed?" He sat on the floor behind me. Wrapping his arms around me as if to soothe me as I worked to soothe her. He ensured he was lined up behind me from her view and I realized that was so if she awoke, a man's face would not be the first she saw.


Thoughtful. I twisted my head to look at him.

This was the real Killian.

Not the Warlord everyone in the realm thought they knew.

We were all wrong.

"She thinks she can rally many of the mages to help her." I supplied.

"What do you think?" He looked at me thoughtfully.

"You're asking my opinion?"

"You're a clever woman. And up here, you have a vantage point, I do not have down there." He nodded behind him. To where the balcony door was. And the Training Gardens, beyond.

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