Kise Ryota x Readers III

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The last school bell rang, indicating that school has ended and everyone got up to pack up their things.

"Hey, (Y/N)." A close friend of yours called.


"Wanna come with us for coffee?" She asked.

"Nah... I have to go meet someone later.." You replied, continuing to pack your bag.

"Eh? It's been a long time since you last hang out with us!" She said again. You could hear that she was pouting.

You let out a soft chuckle.

"Pfft- Sorry..." You apologised and carried your bag after zipping it tight.

"I'll go next time, okay? Have to go now bye~~" You quickly gave your friend a quick hug before rushing out of the classroom, afraid that you'll be late.

As you made your way towards the school entrance, you turned on your phone to check if anyone texted you. Well, you expected someone to text you. And he did.

From: Ryo Ryo

(Y/N)-chan!! Are you done yet~? ♡♡♡

You smiled to yourself at that cute message and quicken up your pace, your phone in your hand.

You arrived the school entrance soon after that. There were a lot of people since the school ended and there's no extra activities. You tip toed, trying to look for the male by becoming a little but taller, wondering where he is.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" A familiar voice could be heard somewhere nearby. There were also the sound of girls screaming, mumbling and gasping.

A hand suddenly grabbed your wrist, taking you by surprise. But you knew very well who that person was and let him pull you out of the crowd.

Kise slowed down his pace once the both of you got out of the crowd, for you to catch up. The male moved his hand to hold yours in his, a normal thing that every couple do. Except, it feels different, it feels warm and lovely and all those fluffy feelings, different from the way it looks now that you're experiencing it yourself.

"How was school?" He asked as the both of you walked towards the nearest bullet train station.

"It was normal as usual..." You replied. "I wished you're in the same school as I am... I got jealous every time my friends have their boyfriends around during break.." You said again with a pouty tone.

Kise let out a chuckle as he pulled his hand out of yours and put his arm over your shoulders.

"But they don't have boyfriends as good as me, who fetches his girlfriend at her school, right on time right?"

"Psshh..." You looked away, pretending to be annoyed at his behaviour.

You could feel the male glance at you, from the feeling of his shoulder movement.

"I'll take that as a yes~" He simply made a conclusion. "I love you, (Y/N)~" He said, his arm pulled you in and he kissed your head.

That familiar feeling of your stomach flipping came to you. It was just like how you first went out with him, it was the same warm feeling. You love it. A lot.

"Let's not miss the next train, (Y/N)~" He said, smiled as he pulled your hand and hold it in his as the both of you continued to chat and walk towards the station.

I'll most likely make a part two for this so stay tuned! ✌

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