Kise Ryota IV x Readers

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Here's part 2~

Psst- I saw this draft when I was trying to update a Hyuga x Riko one shot. Shhhhh-

The fact that I haven't been updating for such a long time... I'll start updating actively probably by either this week or next! :) So please stay tuned-


You guys arrived at the train station not long after that. The train station was kinda crowded as a lot of student take the train home as usual. A lot of students. But not you. You rarely take the train. Not safe, your mom said. But still she's fine with you going out with your boyfriend.

Kise moved his hand to get something from his bag as the both of you approached the ticket gates. "Here." he said as he passed you a card.

"What's this?" You asked and took the card, examining it.

"It's a present from me as it is our three months anniversary~" He said. "I'll be bringing you out for dates more often after this so it'll be easier to have a card." He said, taking your hand in his, and together, the both of you arrived and waited for the train at the platform after going through the ticket gates.

All the seats on the platform were taken as there were a lot of people so you and your boyfriend decided to stand behind the yellow line. The sling bag that you were carrying suddenly felt uncomfortable so you switch and carried it on your other shoulder. Kise saw and reached a hand out. "(Y/N)? Do you need me to help you carry your bag?" he asked.

"Eh?" You looked up at him. "No no.. It's fine.." You said and waved your hands at him.

Kise let out a chuckle and reached his hand out further to take your bag, ignoring your protest. Once again, that warm feeling came to you. He was so thoughtful-

The train arrived not long after that and people rushed out of the train. Kise pulled you aside to let so that the both of you weren't blocking the way and so that the people could get out faster.

Your boyfriend held you, tightly, as if he would lose you anytime once he let go of you.

The feeling of being protected was very nice y'know.

After the crowd cleared up, Kise pulled you into the train. Unfortunately, there weren't any seats. Again. So he brought you to one of the poles and hold onto it as his other hand held your waist to make sure that you won't fall.

"Passengers, the doors will be closing, please stay away from the doors." A robot-like voice came through the speakers.

The train started to move. You stumbled forward, losing balance. But before anything could happen to you, before you bump into another passenger, your boyfriend pulled you against his body.

Blood rushed to your face as you leaned close against his body, your arms hold onto his uniform. Everyone seemed to sway their body, following the rhythm of the train, causing some people to bump into each other.

You could feel how Kise's grip strengthen, pulling you much more closer to himself. You could hear his heartbeat through his chest, that was just how close you both were.

"One more stop.." The male mumbled to himself.

You looked at the board above the sliding doors of the train that showed the line of route of the train. Honestly, you never really paid any attention to where the train was or where the train was going. All that really mattered was Kise being by your side.

The train halted to a stop and you and the male got out of the train while holding each other's hand.

"So... Where are we going?" You asked as soon as the both of you left the train.

"Hmm... You'll know." He replied simply.

"No hint? No anything?" You asked again, curiousity took over you, wanting to know where your boyfriend was going to bring you to.

"Nope." Kise replied again as he put an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him as the two of you made your way out of the station

Probably gonna make a part 3- Sprry if it's kinda boring! :) But if you see this its either you scrolled all the way to the end or you actually read the whole thing. So, thanks for reading! :)

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