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Before I knew it I found myself back inside wanting more fruit punch. Something came over me. A desire. A wish to have more. The dim lights made it awfully hard to see things. Bumping into people I muttered sorry to each one. Most were fine with it others were kind of pissed spitting back remarks.

Stumbling onto a nearby table just by chance there was a drink there, calling out to me. I was feeling a bit thirst and it looked like no one else was going to drink it. Without thinking of the consequences I drank every last drop, letting out a gasp. It was strange. Had a bit of a burning sensation, however overall it was fine.

Walking back into the sea of figures I found myself saying hi to unexpected strangers. Some exchanged hi fives with me. Laughing uncontrollably I wanted to go back to Ian. Chuckling with others passing by my shoulder bumped into someone.

"Hey what's your problem", They shouted at me.

Looking up to see who it was, It was difficult but I could make out that it was Nate.

"Hey are you going to answer me?"

"It's you", I laughed. Quickly I darted out of that situation before he could say something back.

Where was Ian? I couldn't see him. Everyone looked the same to me. It was infuriating just to try to find just one person. I began to call out for him in a chipper tone. I highly doubt that he was able to hear me through the music.

In the corner of my eye I spotted Ray, Alex and Rachel playing cards with a bunch of other people. With no where else to go I asked if I could play with them. Alex and Ray greeted me with warm and welcoming smiles.

While they were dealing out cards, I was getting ready to play go fish and win.

"So how are you liking the party Laura", Ray asks.

"Oh umm .... actually I think it's pretty fun. I was kinda of nervous at first but I am fine now."

"That's great. Also we didn't see where you were before. We looked but couldn't find you", Alex chimes in.

"Oh that's ok I couldn't see you guys either."

looking at the cards I was dealt I sorted them together with any pairs I had. Glancing over at Rachel her expression was sour. No surprise there. She didn't look up from her cards. They were glued to them, as if she was afraid someone was going to look at them.

During the game Ray kept on getting irritated at Alex for always taking his cards.

"Fuck off dude. Why don't you ask anyone else?"

"Well you seem to have all the cards I need."

"You don't know that."

Everyone around the table broke out in giggles. I joined.

"So Laura you came here with Ian right?", Rachel asks.

"OH yes ... I did."

"Oh really. Where is he right now", she said in a snarky tone.

"Umm ... I don't really know to be honest", I said through laughs.

"Oh I see", there was aggressiveness in her tone. That phrase crept into me ears sending chills down my spine. Next was my turn to ask for a card from someone. Snickering to myself I asked Rachel, "What Is your problem?"

Asking someone from across the table if they have a four Rachel responded back with "None of your business."

"Hey, hey", Alex intervenes. "Everyone wants to play this game without any problems so can you guys not right now." After Alex's statement me and Rachel sit in silence without breaking eye contact.

My seat felt like it was levitating. My eyes begin to drop causing me to lose complete focus. A switch turns on, creating something inside of me to start a fight with Rachel. My mouth moves faster than my brain.

"Why have you been so bitchy towards me lately? Personally I would like to know because I don't remember doing anything to you to make you hate me."

Ray and Alex communicate with each other telepathically, it didn't concern me in the slightest.

"Well your a smart girl figure it out yourself."

"Hey we are all trying to play a game can you guys knock it off", Alex demanded.

"Alex shut up this is between me and Laura", she claps back at him. Alex was then quiet.

The game was still going on when Rachel pulled me towards her and whispered in my ear.

"Listen, let me make this crystal clear so even you can understand. Honestly I thought you would have gotten the hint by now. We were completely fine before you tagged along."

No your wrong. You were the only one who wasn't fine with me tagging along. It was always you and no one else. The game was coming to an end and I pulled Rachel close to whisper in her ear.

"I don't give a fuck. I don't know why you hate me but I would like a clear answer since all you have done is beat around the bush. Personally I don't think that you know the reason why you hate me. Also I win."

Her face was just like a deer in headlights. Ithen moved on to looking for Ian again. 

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