Chapter 1: Start Of Life And Bullying

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Gianna Pov:
I was born on May 20th. I have three sisters. Kayla who is ten, Jenna who's two, and Jaeden who's one. (Their ages when I was born)

5 years later...
Today I start kindergarten. "Say Daddy!" My mom gets ready to take the first day of school photos. "Daddy." She always has us say daddy because we love our dad. Dads a really great man. I look up to him. We got my backpack and got into the car. "You all buckled up?" She asks me. "Yes." I responded all excited. Mom started the car and we were off to school. I got a bit bullied in pre-K. When I got home from school all my mom did was yell. It was pretty normal but it's not fun. My dad didn't show up to my pre-k graduation cause of work. Work takes up all of his time but for my graduation to go to first grade he was able to take off just to see me. There was a kid named Greg who kept picking his scabs just to get a bandage. He sat next to me on the rug.

1st grade...
"Hi. I'm Gianna!" First grade seems pretty exciting. I'm nervous but ready. "Lalia." Nice name. My teacher Mrs.Bremer was teaching us but I couldn't focus. I didn't care either so I kept talking to Laila. I got in trouble and had to go next door. My mother wasn't very happy with me and yelled for talking. My parents say I need to keep my mouth shut and do my school work.

2nd grade...
Me and Sophia and Kylie are best friends. I knew Kylie in first grade but we didn't have a class together. Our teacher Ms.Miller was the best. Me and Kylie are going to be best friends forever and Sophia will be with us forever as well. We had a bully named Bryn. She was so rude to us. She wouldn't leave us alone. We became friends for a little bit before she was treating us like garbage. Due to all three of us talking we got separated. I had to sit next to Dez and boy was he crazy. She always stabbed himself with scissors. I lost my very first tooth at school. It was my dream to lose one at school. It was during a test and I was shaking a bit cause it was so quiet. "I lost a tooth!" I screamed and the teacher shushed me. After the spelling test me and Sophia went to the nurse.

3rd grade...
My teacher Mrs.Portee is the best!! I have. New friend her name is Devyn. I have another friend his name is Dominic. There's two girls who keep bullying me. Juliana and Merliey. The teacher couldn't do much. But I'm pretty happy. My parents still yell over everything including bad grades but it isn't a lot. It's a bit rare but like not. My mom is pregnant with a boy named Phillip. Me, Dominic and Devyn would play Minecraft at recess everyday.

4th grade...
This was a good grade. Barley any bullies. Well I got bullied for my favorite color being green my whole life and being told it's a 'boy' color. I also got bullied by this kid about liking spiderman. I met these girls. We played at recess everyday. The one girl Gabby had a YouTube channel and they'd post beanie boo videos on it. They were good but they were mean to me. Faith wind up hitting me on my arm but it wasn't bad. This year was the first time I cursed. I heard it from everyone and my parents. The first time I said bitch they said I sound really white. My whole life I wind up believing I was white. Turns out I'm not. Annabella made my arm worse, told the teacher I got hit and we all landed ourselves in ISS for the rest of the day. Whatever. The teacher hated me but didn't treat me different aside from putting my desk next to the bathroom. I went to Greg's party and he was still rude to me. I had my friends at least. I still hung with Devyn at recess.

5th grade...
This year I find out the tooth fair and shit isn't real. I got into a argument with Kenny and Sheldon while my teacher wsnt here. I swear to fucking god every time the teacher wasn't here they started shit with me and got me sent out of class. I ripped their paper for social studies because of it. They bullied me the whole year. Thankfully Devyn was in my class. This girl named Emma to. We were friends. There was this girl named Alexis that didn't like me but didn't treat me like crap. I wanted her phone number before she left the school to go to Massachusetts. (Why do I remember all this idfk). Alexis hated me. She told me she was on her period and I didn't know what that was really so I kinda maybe sorta told the whole class.

Middle school is the next chapter...hopefully you guys enjoy this boring sad shit

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