Chapter 2: Middle school...

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6th grade...
This grade isn't too bad. There's this girl named Brianna. Omg was she beautiful. I think I like her... Im friends with this girl named Arianna but she told the deans I touched her boob when I didn't and no one believed me so I got suspended for a day. My parents yelled at me so much and didn't believe me also. I failed math the whole year due to being in cheer. Practice was Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It started at 5:30 so we left the house at 5. School got out at 4. I went home changed and we left. It was over until eight o'clock. I went home, ate dinner and went to bed. My teacher said I was making excuses but it wasn't my fault. There was this ELA teacher that had a crush on my dad and hated me. She always sent me out of class, said I was talking but I wasn't a. There was some girls named Jordyn, Destiny, Isabella and Brianna. They all hated me but I didn't know that til eight grade. I was 'friends' with them. Thankful I had Devyn. She was in my ELA class and well all of them. In our school whoever is in ur first you have them THE WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR!! Except 6th period because that was elective. Devyn never did her work I'm ELA class. She would draw characters and anime girls. Weirdo. We got a few new kids but whatever. They all moved away anyway. Derrick keeps annoying me. Always poking me with pencils and shit. I'm still not allowed to see my oldest sister. It sucks but I'm happy. Hopefully my parents change and stop blaming me for everything. My parents think I'm making up my trauma but I'm not...I really wish I was. There's so much they've done to me that I don't wanna get into. I dated Devyn because we liked each other and I told my mom because I thought it'd be easier to tell her I have a gf rather than coming out. My mom said 'no. Break up with her because you don't know how to love a girl' so I did...

7th grade.....
I've never been bullied so much in my whole entire life. Every one keeps telling me I'm ugly and no one loves me and my family hates me. Which I know that but damn. I keep wearing hoodies more than ever. I've started to.......cut myself.... I don't mean to but it hurts. My heart hurts. Even the teacher is bullying me. They keep calling me negative Nancy. The teacher always asks us what we're doing over the weekend and I'm never busy so I got nothing to say. We sit there and do nothing. My friends all left me but I have Devyn! Brianna and Destiny keep listening to my issues and I feel like a shitty ass fucking person because I don't wanna bother them. Me and Isa have hung out at me house for a sleepover and we played Just Dance. I made a depression playlist on Musi. My grandma has been the only person in my family that I trust but I found out she told my parents everything I ever told her. Probably cause she's my dads mom. I called this girl a bitch for bullying me and she BEAT ME UP! I had a mild concussion and wow. Good job but tf. She got suspended for a week and left the school right after. Ofc I got bullied for losing a fight but is it really a fight if you didn't do anything? I just called her a bitch and she pulled me out of my chair and beat me up. So if that really a fight? I fought this girl around my birthday for talking shit about me. I won. The video showed otherwise. I know I won because I was completely alright after the right but her. Omg. Her neck was so red, people asked if she was okay. I flipped her over me a little bit near the end of it. I kicked her vulva. Then she told me personal stuff and my ex gf asked abt it so I told her. And she told the girl I fought that I was talking shit but I wasn't. I came out gay to my friends as a lesbian even tho I've been bi for most of my life and never really made it clear to anyone. My sister forced me to come out to my parents and when I finally said something after about an hour of grilling that there was something that had to be said. I told them and they both looked at their phones, and responded with 'okay'. Like damn. Alright cool. Everyone keeps telling me to kill myself too so that's great. I tried too 3 times.

8th grade...
This year is so shitty. I've never had more fake friends in my entire life. I started dating brianna before 2022. Like right before. December 23, 2021. She came out to me and caught feelings for me which was amazing. I've liked her for three years. She's been always yelling at me every time I cut myself and over little things. One time I forgot what day it was because I didn't have my phone and she got pissed that I forgot one of our month anniversary's. Like I understand you're mad but I don't know the days rn due to me being grounded. That's not my fault. We keep fighting over everything. She makes me cry pretty often from yelling at me. Probably should've included the fact on the bones I broke. 5tb grade I sprained my thumb but didn't get a cast til 6th grade. 7th I tripped on the last step on the stairs and sprained my ankle. I had crutches for a week and even on halloween. As well as landed myself in another cast on my thumb. Sprained my pinky finger so I have a splint. And this year, 8th grade year I broke my middle finger/knuckle on my right hand. All other injuries were normally on my left hand. I had the cast on my right hand til May 18th which wasn't 2 weeks yet but the doctor wanted to take it off due to me going to universal with the rest of the school on my birthday. Funny how the field trip was on my birthday. He wanted me to go on rides but good thing he did take it off because it POURED THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME. I DID NOT GET TK GO ON A SINGLE INTENSE RIDE. I got to hangout with my gf at least. People kept telling me to kill myself again. Again at least I have Devyn. Devyn is my best friend. I met this girl named Ariel who I liked a month before I got with Brianna. She liked me too but I told her my feelings too early so we didn't date. Which I understand. We're still pretty good friends. Sryiah is a pretty good friend too. She wouldn't make fun of me and we would talk about how harsh everyone else is. Me and Daja yelled at each other a lot. I kinda had anger issues this year due to a lot of changes with my family. they ofc treated me like shit. Blamed me for everything. In 7th grade I got a hamster and he's been pretty helpful with depression.

 In 7th grade I got a hamster and he's been pretty helpful with depression

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His name is Nibbles. I named him before I got him. I figured Nubbiles was more of a gender neutral name. I didn't know if I wanted a female or male so picked name before anything.

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