Chapter 18 - Lunar Accord

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The dragon spit a wave of blue fire towards us, I ran to the right, dodging the magic flames while Rennala jumped over it, letting the fire pass beneath her, and cast spells at the dragon as she fell.

I circled the dragon and threw a Sunlight Spear at its right side, hitting its neck and ripping off its scales. The dragon roared in pain, and with heavy steps that shook the ground, approached me with its mouth open.

The teeth the size of swords closed in, I prepared to roll out of the way, but there was no need since the dragon's attack was interrupted by a series of crystals hitting it in the face, one of them piercing its left eye.

The dragon roared as the crystal stuck itself in its eye with a squirt of blood. Wildly swinging its head from side to side, the dragon tried to get rid of the crystal, but eventually, the crystal came loose, and the dragon glared at us with rage.

Letting out a mighty roar, it charged towards Rennala. Raising its left wing, it tried to smash Rennala to the ground.

However, with a fluid leap, Rennala stepped out of the way, casting spells at the dragon, the dragon tried to crush Rennala again, this time with its right wing.

Quickly, Rennala leaped back, casting ten magic swords above her head. The swords shot forward, piercing the dragon across its body, head, neck, wing, and back, each one being stuck before disappearing.

With fury, the dragon quickly advanced towards Rennala, trying to head-butt her.

The Queen of the Full Moon created a great magic rapier, hitting the dragon in the neck amidst its attack, leaving a large oozing cut, making the dragon lose its balance in the middle of its run and hit a ruin close by.

The dragons got up, throwing debris everywhere before turning around roaring at us. Taking a deep breath, blue fire accumulated in its mouth, simultaneously Rennala readied another spell.

With my chime in hand, I approached the dragon and cast Heavenly Thunder. Lightning rained from above, hitting the dragon across its back, ripping scales with lightning explosions.

This made the dragon take its attention away from Rennala and focus on me. Raising its left paw, the dragon tried to crush me, but I rolled back, dodging the attack and cuts to the dragon's paw repeatedly with my Uchigatana.

The dragon swung its tail towards me, trying to throw me away. Seeing the tail approaching, I ran under the dragon with my Uchigatana raised, slashing the dragon's belly, leaving a gigantic bloody cut.

The dragon turned around and raised its wing, trying to crush me again, but I was faster and moved away from the attack, the impact creating a small shock wave and leaving a crater on the ground.

I quickly turned towards the dragon and threw a Sunlight Spear in its direction.

The dragon flapped its wings, taking flight and dodging the approaching miracle, and then, the dragon circled us until it hovered in the distance.

Knowing what it intended to do; Rennala and I ran away from there.

The result was immediate; the dragon dived furiously, destroying the ruins where we were previously, creating a deafening noise followed by a small earthquake and dust cloud.

However, Rennala and I hid behind a set of ruins. Peeking out of it, we saw the dragon searching for us. We took this opportunity to plan our next action.

"That dragon is giving us more trouble than I'd like to admit. Since when do dragons breathe magical fire?" Rennala spoke.

"From what I've heard, dragons that breathe magical fire got that way after devouring sorcerers, probably from the glintstone that sorcerers carried in their pockets."

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