[12] She was more than that to me you know

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I change outfits, Tangerine politely turns his back and gets changed himself, thinking I don't notice his casual glances over at me.

We walk out and follow Lemon to the door of the hotel room, he opens it. Stood in the hallway was Scarlett, her face wet with tears and snot.

"The fuck do you want?" Tangerine bitterly scolds.

Almost as if he could tell that she had hurt me, Tangerine had switched attitudes toward Scarlett, who jumped a little at his harsh words.

"M-my s-s-s-safehouse was raided." She whimpers "I have nowhere to go."

Oh god, this can't be happening.

"We'll get back to you on that one." Lemon slowly closes the door, when Tangerine and Lemon look away she immediately turns off her fake tears and scowls at me just as the door closes.

"I don't think she's acting, I've never seen her cry like that." Tangerine suggests, unenthused by the idea.

"Probably because you only ever saw her from behind." Lemon jokes.

"Stop it Lemon, she was more than just that to me you know, she-" Tangerine looks at my judgemental and somewhat jealous expression and stops himself "I'm just saying she certainly seems sincere, maybe we should let her stay a while."

"She wasn't very sincere yesterday." I realise what I'd said and don't say anymore, remembering what she said she'd do if I blabbed. It was too late, Lemon turns to look at me with confusion, Tangerine looks at me with worry, knowing something was up.

"Why, what happened?" Tangerine asks with genuine concern, his brows furrowed.

"Nothing, she just seemed off, that's all." I cover up the truth, my heart starting to beat faster.

"What happened in the bathroom yesterday Y/N." Lemon adds, lowering his voice and moving the conversation further from the door.

"Nothi-" I start to say, shakily.

"I saw her follow you into the bathroom, what did she say." Lemon continues.

"She must've been in another cubicle, I didn't see her." I end the conversation "Just open the door."

Tangerine opens the door, she's still crying, funny though how we didn't hear any of it through the door.

I was waiting on Tangerine or Lemon to say something, but I knew that she'd kill me if I didn't say "How would you like to stay here, Scarlett."

"Oh, I would be so grateful, thank you Y/N." She sobs, jumping at me to hug me, suffocatingly tight.

"It's Passionfruit." I correct her, awkwardly patting her on the back.

"Hang on, did Y/N ever tell you her name?" Tangerine questions, suspiciously as he should be.

"Oh-" Scarlett struggles to find a way to lie her way out of it. "I overheard it at some table last night, it's hard learning names you know, being a waitress."

She stops hugging me, and goes to hug Tangerine. Seeing her with her arms wrapped around Tangerine's neck, where my arms should be, made my stomach knot. I notice how he hardly hugs her back, it reassures me, but only slightly, I was still burdened by what Scarlett had said in the bathroom yesterday.

"That makes sense, by the way what's with the waitress thing, I'm guessing it's for a job, right?" Tangerine asks as he abruptly pulls away from their uncomfortable hug.

"Oh yeah, a snatch and grab job though, boooring." She sighs, pausing as she comes up with the idea "Ooh! How would you guys like to come with? It would be so much fun!"

"I don't know, is it really a four-person-job?" Lemon awkwardly tries to get us out of it.

"I was told there'd be quite a few guys I'd have to fight through, I might need assistance, even protection." Scarlett bit her lip and glared up at Tangerine, doe-eyed, as she said that. "You always used to looove protecting your damsel in distress Tangy."

I almost gag at the pet name, Tangerine seems to do so too before he says "When is it then."

"Tomorrow, I can tell you guys the details then. So, are you in?" She excitedly asks.

"Definitely." I say in an obvious attempt to stay on her good side, the boys nod in agreement too.

"Perfect, wheres my room?"

"You'd have to share a room with Tangerine." Tangerine looks at me, shocked and annoyed that he has to sleep in the same bed as her. I was annoyed too, but I shrug to let him know that I had no other choice.

"Alright, just like old times right?" She looks at Tangerine with a hint of seduction.

As she walks off into the bedroom, Tangerine turns to face us "Trust me, it'll be nothing like old times."

"I should hope so." I say.

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