[15] You wouldn't shoot me, you're too in love with me

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"TANGYYYY!" I hear scarlet scream to wake us up.

We were both cramped on the sofa, his arms wrapping around me, our legs intertwined.

We both jolt awake

"What?" Tan sighs, angrily, obviously he isn't a morning person

"Wake up, we need to do the job!"

Oh shit. I forgot about this job.

As I get up I notice scarlet looking me up and down fixated on my shirt.

"Nice shirt." she scoffs, filled with sarcasm.

Looking at her now, I'm surprised I was ever intimidated by her. I think up something that'll piss her right off.

"Aww thanks it's his" I say as I wrap my arms around tangerine and giving him a passionate kiss trying to make her jealous. I turn back to her, it worked. I can see the flames in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know, I bought it for him." She scowls at me.

Suddenly, this shirt that was once comforting and warm to wear feels icky and disgusting on my body, I rip it off instantaneously whilst I run into the bedroom.

Quicky I change into another one of my outfits, Tangerine joins me in the room and gets changed himself, not even acknowledging the fact that I can clearly see his chiselled abs.

"Oh by the way don't bring any guns or weapons, I'm meeting a guy who has the best shit in town that won't compare to your shitty hand guns." Scarlet says aimed to us all but staring directly in my eyes.

A bit weird how she isn't letting us bring our guns but whatever.

We all head to the car, Tangerine heads for the driver seat and I naturally go to sit next to him. Roughly I'm shoved out of the way by Scarlett who eagerly jumps in the passenger seat.

I scoff but I'm too tired to stand up to her, I sit at the back with Lemon.

Throughout the drive, Tangerine ignores multiple speeding signs and red lights as we recklessly drive through Kyoto. He gives me several flirtatious looks in the rearview mirror.

Finally we arrive at some sketchy alleyway.

"You're sure this is the place?" Tangerine asks, suspiciously.

"Have I ever lied to you?" Scarlett says, batting her eyelashes and flicking her hair.

"Yes." He utters under his breath.

We all get out the car, a little shaken from the drive. It's clear why Lemon always drives.

As we're all walking down the long alleyway, Tangerine, Lemon and I could all sense something off about this job. The lack of information Scarlett told us, plus the fact that she told us to come unarmed.

I even heard anxiety in Tangerine's breathing, that told me I needed to say something "So where exactly is this guy you're meeting, you know for the guns."

"What? Scared or something?" She mocks. "You know Tangerine hates scaredy-cats."

"Even I am a bit scared, why the fuck are we here Scarlett?" Lemon asks.

"Yeah, where are these guys you said we had to kill?" I start to put the pieces together, this wasn't a job at all.

Scarlett spins around, whipping out a small but deadly handgun from her pocket, "I'm looking at them."

Instinctively, Tangerine steps slightly in front of me, "Cmon Scarlett, you wouldn't shoot me, you're too in love with me."

Without a second thought in her head Scarlett shoots a bullet, directly grazing Tangerine's shoulder. He winces and stumbles backward to the floor.

I drop to the ground beside him, cupping my mouth whilst Tangerine's wound bleeds out. I look up at Lemon for help.

"Oh mate, you shouldnt've done that." Lemon states, smirking in Scarlett's direction.

Before Scarlett can react, a bullet to the chest knocks her down, multiple shots follow.

"I never go anywhere without Lucille." He says, putting the safety back on his favourite gun.

Scarlett's coughing of blood ceases and she lay dead on the floor, Lemon turns to me as I knelt tearing up beside Tangerine who was bleeding out on the floor.

Lemon tosses me his car keys, I lift one hand off of Tangerine whilst the other one continues to put pressure on his wound "Quick, get him help, i'll sort out this diesel and find her a good place 6 feet underground."

Tangerine insists on standing himself up, he clutches his shoulder with his other hand, wincing in pain, I let him lean on me as we hurry to the car.

I throw myself in the driver's seat, adjusting the tall seat, I fumble with the keys in the ignition and Tangerine slams the door behind him as he gets in the passenger seat.

I slam the pedal to the floor, and the car quickly takes off.

"Fuck me! If my bleeding shoulder doesn't kill me, your driving will! Go slower!" Tangerine yells.

I slightly slow down, "Where's the nearest hospital?" I ask urgently.

"Hospital? Are you crazy! We can't go to a hospital, we'll be put in jail. And not a jail we can escape from."

"Fuck you're right. So what do we do" Urgency and nerves start to kick in.

"Let's just go back to the hotel, I've got a first aid kit and you can sew me up." Tangerine says scarily calm.

"Sew you up!? I can't do that!"

"Yes you can, I know you can. Just trust me, ok?" It's weird how he's acting calmer than me in this situation.

When we get to the hotel we race up the stairs. Frantically, I rummage around Tangerine's suitcase to find the first aid kit he mentioned earlier and find a tiny green box that had 2 bandages, alcohol wipes, thread and a needle. Not much but it will do.

I went back to the living room to see Tangerine sat on the couch, legs spread, clutching onto his shoulder. It hurt me to see him in so much pain.

I position myself so that I straddle his lap, my legs either side of him, my face just inches away from his. I unbutton his shirt to reveal a deep oozing wound.

I take an alcohol wipe and raise it up to his shoulder "This is gonna hurt ok." I warn him

"I can take it." He smirks to hide his agony.

As the wipe makes contact with his blood covered skin he yelps and grabs on to my waist, clearly he can't take it.

I try to clean his wound as fast as I can, loving the feeling of him squeezing my hips but hating to imagine his unbearable pain.

In an attempt to distract himself from his pain he asks me in between groans "So Y/N, what's your story?"

Just before my needle pierces his skin, I look down at him in confusion.

"Just start talking, I beg! Just don't let me think about you sewing me up."

My past is something that has burdened me all my life, it makes me worry that Tangerine won't think of me the same. I'm hesitant to tell him, but I feel as though it'd help to get it off my chest.

"Ok....it all started...."

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