The kingdom, Northwind's freezing air blew high and mighty. Snow fell to the ground. The mist was so thick that you can't even see what's 10 blocks away from you. The waves continuously clashed into the stone of the land.
"'Peace was restored to Ardonia...'" Thalleous Sendaris read.
His voice echoes throughout the Temple of the Walls of Time. This fortress was like a library, where history is carved in stone. The sea lanterns shone on the little gathers of water within the temple. The words written down were similar to the Galactic Alphabet when one uses an enchantment table.
"'...and the time of rebuilding and healing began. The wounds caused by the Deathsinger however, will be felt forever,'" Thalleous finished, "'The Great War, 11th Wall of Time.'"
Thalleous was a Sendaris Ardoni. His blue markings glowed, making a dim light in the dark fortress, making him look like diamond ore. The Sendaris were identified with blue markings. Nestoris were known to have yellow markings. Mendoris can be seen with more pinkish markings. The Kaltaris were more known for their green markings. The dangerous Voltaris were easily recognized through their blood red markings.
Thalleous was an excellent swordsman. His enchanted diamond longsword rested on his back. Blue aura crawled on every inch of it. He observed the words with almost a proud look on his face, remembering his time being a veteran during the Great War.
"Hmm... well, Hawken I fail to see-" said Thalleous, turning to his companion.
He turned only to see his human companion sleeping. His low snores couldn't even echo in the ancient temple. His back leaned against the stone. His black hair was combed more to the right side of his head. He wore a black coat, a blue shirt beneath, and dark jeans. Thalleous' face frowned a bit.
"Hawken...?!" he asked, not raising his voice too high.
Hawken woke with a startle, turning to the Ardoni before him. "U-Uh, ah, y-yes exactly! So, you see what this means, Thalleous?"
"Hawken... were you sleeping through-" Thalleous started with a look of annoyance.
"Look here!" Hawken instructed, ran right pass Thalleous and putting his hand above the Wall of Time. This only proved Thalleous' question.
"Where do the Walls of Time say the final duel took place?" Hawken asked.
"Mount Velrgin..." Thalleous answered low, disappointment forming on his face.
"Indubitably! Most legends, including these bungled Walls of Time, fail to state that the final duel took place on the mountain's peak."
Part of this didn't make sense. Hawken has always been a bit clumsy from time to time. Thalleous looked at his companion, confusion clear on his face, wondering why Hawken was asking for such a specific detail.
"Alright... so..." Thalleous paused, looking to the human before him. "What does this mean?"
"I've heard rumors of a presence on the peak of Mount Velgrin..." Hawken answered, stepping away from the Ardoni by 5 blocks, "Being the naturally curious scholar that I am, I sent a few scouts to transform those rumors into facts."
It was disturbing when he finished that two weeks ago. A look of concern formed on Hawken and Thalleous's faces. The lantern by the 11th Wall of Time was enough for them to see each other's faces.
"And..." Thalleous asked, raising a brow as his curiosity piqued, "What was their report?"
"There was no report!" Hawken said, his face almost freaked out, "None ever returned! Why do you think that is?"
Songs of War: The Novel
FanfictionLegends tell of the Great War, and rumors spread that an ancient enemy clan known as the Voltaris may be returning. Further investigation will be necessary, yet dangers and mysteries await in the vast world of Ardonia.