Lady Charlene Andrea Howard

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Lady Charlene Andrea Howard,

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Lady Charlene Andrea Howard,

Lady Charlene Andrea Howard is the oldest child of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard who is the youngest child and daughter of Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and she was born on May 1, 2295 at Beltane Manor and one the same day her niece, Lady Karissa Ann Howard was born and they were both born on their eldest sister and mother's birthday, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann gave birth to Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and her final child before Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane gave birth to Lady Karissa Ann at Norfolk Estate.

It gave Lord Charles Andrew Howard The III the right to name his beloved golden hair heiress her mother's full name and Lady Elizabeth had to settle on Lady Karissa Ann.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third had two children with his second wife, Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth, but he didn't want to leave Sussex Territory to either of them and with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann together they had Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Third was 65 years old when Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard was born, and he made sure that both his heiress and her mother would be taken care along with Lord Charles Andrew Howard the IV, Duke of St.Albans Territory and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud Howard, Duchess of Beaufort Territory.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third passes away in 2310, right before Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann has her cotillion, but her two oldest brothers, Lord Anthony Christopher who is also her first cousin, and her brother, Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Fourth escort their little sister to her cotillion in 2315 along with Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third escorting Lady Karissa Ann as well.

Lord Anthony Christopher is on her left side and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth is on her right and from the balcony is Lady Karissa watching as they present her at her cotillion.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann is dressed according to her rank as Duchess of Sussex Territory on Star Base 12 and as the youngest of Lord Patrick William Howard great-great-great-grandchildren.

When Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Fourth walk in with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann. Everyone bows and curtsy to them.

Lord Anthony Christopher and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth paternal great-grandmother, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth' brother, Lord George Spencer-Churchill's grandson, Lord John Spencer-Spencer-Churchill is there with his son, Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill who was born in 2293, and they are second cousins via their great-great-grandfather, Lord John Spencer-Churchill Senior .

Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill is tall, dark, and handsome, and when he sees his second cousin through their great-great-grandfather, The Duke of Marlborough Territory, Lord John walks over to his cousins, Lord Anthony and Lord Charles Andrew the Fourth and he bows " I am your cousin through our great-great-grandfather and your great-grandmother was his daughter, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth." Lord John tells them.

"Our great-great-great-grandfather admired Lord Patrick William Howard. My grandfather told me that he was a fair and well-loved man." Lord John tells them.

"This is my son, Lord Albert Edward." Lord John tells them.

"This is our sister "Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann." Lord Anthony and Lord Charles Andrew the fourth tells them.

Lord John raises his eye-brow, " She is both your sister?"

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth is my maternal sister and she is Lord Charles Andrew Howard the fourth's paternal sister." Lord Anthony states.

"Do you see that woman up there watching with my oldest sister?" Lord Anthony asks,

"Who doesn't know Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and Duchess of Bedford Territory '' Lord John tells him.

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann, is her youngest daughter and child and she is Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third youngest son." Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Fourth tells him.

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann inherited the Dukedom of Sussex Territory when our father died this year.' Lord Charles Andrew Howard the fourth tells him.

"Our late father left her well provided for and she inherited Sussex Manor." Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth tells him.

Lord Albert Edward asks Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann to dance with him and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann accepts to dance with him and they dance every dance and it leads to their courtship and they court each other until 2313, and they marry each other.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann tells her mother " Mom, who will remember my father now since he is gone?"

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann. I am sure that your older brother and sister will remember your dear late father. I will never forget him." Lady Karissa tells her youngest daughter.

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard the fourth married in 2301 and he had a daughter in 2305 and he named her Lady Charlotte Andrea." Lady Karissa explains.

"Your brother married the sister of your first cousin, Lady Autumn Bridget Howard who married Lord Edward Seymour and Lord Charles Andrew IV maternal first cousin, Lady Marjorie Seymour." Lady Karissa explains.

"Mother. I will name my daughter in honor of my late father as she will succeed me to the Dukedom of Sussex Territory and not my niece Lady Charlotte Andrea." Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann explains.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill have a daughter in 2320, and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann names her daughter, Lady Charlene Andrea Howard.

She resembles her great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill. She is gentle, kind, loving, and obedient and she takes after her aunt, Lady Samhain with her meek spirit.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann has a son, Lord Charles Andrew Spencer-Churchill in 2325 and before her mother dies in 2330, a second daughter, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill named for her great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill.

Naturally, the death of her mother, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell effects both Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Lord Anthony Christopher, and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann, and she leaves Beltane Manor to her youngest daughter, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and her eldest son, daughter, Lady Josephine Karissa Howard inherits The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory, and Lady Josephine Karissa Howard marries her second cousin, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The  Fifth , the grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth and Lady Marjorie Seymour in 2332, and in 2335 they have a daughter, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard name for her maternal grandmother, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart, in 2340, she gives birth to Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Sixth, and in 2345, she gives birth to Lady  Alexandra Elizabeth  named for their great-great-great-grandmother, Lady  Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill

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