A Victory For Lord Patrick William Howard

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A Victory for Lord Patrick William Howard

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A Victory for Lord Patrick William Howard

Lord Alexander Andrew Howard was the eldest child and son of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart, heiress of The Dukedom of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord David Alexander Stuart traveled with Lord Patrick William Howard on the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153 from Heathrow International Airport with several other prominent European families to flee from Pre-World War Three Planet Earth.

Lord David Alexander Stuart and Lady Annabelle Drummond settled in the southeastern territory on Star Base 12 and Lord David Alexander Stuart named his territory and Dukedom of Lennox as he was a direct descendant of King Charles II of England youngest natural sons, Lord Charles Lennox, Duke of Lennox and Richmond.

Lord David Alexander and Lady Annabelle great-granddaughter, Lady Patricia Eugenie married Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior and his great-grandson, Lord James Alexander Stuart married Lady Mary Seton and their granddaughter, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart marries her second cousin, Lord Anthony Christoper Howard who is both the great-great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord David Alexander Stuart and before Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory agrees to the marriage of his heiress to her second cousin, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart tells his first cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Westminster Territory and his second cousin, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, Duchess of Norfolk Territory " I will only agree if their first child becomes my heir/heiress to my Dukedom."

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane looks at her first cousin once removed, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart " Listen here. My brother is Duke of Lancaster Territory and he has been so since he was born in 2280, and he is the great-great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord David Alexander Stuart if my great-great-great-grandfather didn't save your sorry great-great-grandfather rear-end he would be one of 60 million people died in 2153." Lady Elizabeth explains.

"Lord Patrick William Howard was the senior Duke here on Star Base 12 and he was the highest peer on Star Base 12 as his great-great-great-grandfather I am here to represent him." Lady Elizabeth states.

"I think my mother told you off. I am going to do the same. Lady Josephine Isabella was far too good for you, but my mother wanted to see her happy." Lady Elizabeth states.

"If you think your daughter is too good for my brother who is the Duke of Lancaster and our great-great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort was Duke of Lancaster Territory." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Our great-great-grandfather was Lord John Spencer-Churchill and Lord David Alexander Stuart who was your great-grandfather and my grandmother is Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart." Lady Elizabeth states.

"I think our lineage speaks for itself." Lady Elizabeth states.

"Lady Alexandrina may not become Duchess of Lennox Territory for a long time." Lady Elizabeth states " If she marries Lord Anthony. She will become Duchess of Lancaster Territory and their children will inherit Lancaster, Westminster and The Viscountcy of Fairfax Territories."

Lord Andrew Charles just listens and he finally tells his first cousin " What kind of dowry are you prepared to give my son?"

"I have a good dowry if we can agree that their first child will become my daughter's heir." Lord Alexander Charles explains.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Elizabeth confirm with each other and they agree to Lord Alexander Charles terms and Lord Anthony and Lady Alexandrina first child will become Lady Alexandrina heir/heiress to the Dukedom of Lennox but Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Elizabeth tell Lord Alexander Charles " You do realize that any children will be given the surname of Howard."

Lady Karissa and Lord Richard William are also there and Lady Karissa looks at Lady Elizabeth " Agree it to Lady Elizabeth. I have always said that Lord Alexander Charles isn't playing with a full deck of cards."

Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Alexander Charles signed the marriage agreement along with Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and they married in August of 2300, and their first child, a son, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard was born in February of 2302.

Lord Alexander Andrew Howard resembles his maternal grandmother, Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg and so does Lady Alexandrina Charlene, but Lady Karissa and Lady Josephine Isabella are very good friends and they want to see their two children happy.

Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is joined by a younger brother, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second in 2305, and a younger sister, Lady Josephine Karissa Howard in 2310.

Lord Alexander Charles Howard married Lady Charlotte Louisa Bourbon in 2318 and in 2320 Lady Charlotte Louisa gave birth to a son, Lord Patrick William Howard The Third, as his great-great-uncle was Lord Patrick William Howard The Second.

In the same year Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second and Lady Charlotte Lennox and she gives birth to Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third.

Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox dies in 2331, and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard nee Stuart becomes Duchess of Lennox Territory at the age of 49 and Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is only 11 years old when his mother becomes Duchess of Lennox Territory.

Lady Alexandrina Charlene is Duchess of Lennox Territory until 2360 and she dies at the age of 78, and Lord Patrick William Howard The Third at the age of 58 becomes the First Howard Duke of Lennox Territory and he is the great-great-great-great-grandson of Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord David Alexander Stuart but Lord Alexander Andrew Howard and Lady Charlotte Louisa have two more children, Lady Charlotte Louisa Howard in 2325, and a second son, Lord William Frederick Howard in 2330.

Lord Patrick William Howard The Third marries Lady Margaret Drummond in 2338 and in 2340, she gives birth to a daughter, Lady Alexandra Charlene Howard, in 2345, Lady Margaret gives birth to a son, Lord William Patrick Howard, and she gives birth to a second son, Lord James David Howard named for her father Lord James David Drummond in 2350.

Lord Alexander Andrew Howard died in 2400, and his son, Lord Patrick William Howard the III become Duke of Lennox Territory at the age of 80 but he dies in 2420 and his daughter, Lady Alexandra Charlene Howard becomes Duchess of Lennox Territory at the age of 60 years old but in the year of 2360 she marries Lord Frederick William Howard VI, the son of Lady Karissa Ann and Lord Frederick William Howard The Fourth who was born in 2340 and they marry in 2358 and in 2360 Lady Alexandra Charlene gives birth to a son , Lord Frederick William Howard The Seventh who inherits the Dukedom of Lennox Territory through his mother, Lady Alexandra Charlene Howard and he is followed by a sister, Lady Patricia Wilhelmina Howard in 2365, and another son followed, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard The Second in 2370.

Lord Frederick William Howard The Seventh becomes Duke of Lennox Territory at the 40 years old and he succeeded by a son, Lord Alexander Charles Howard who is born in 2380, a daughter, Lady Francine Charlene Howard is born in 2385, and a second daughter, Lady Charlotte Louisa Howard in 2390.

Lord Alexander Charles Howard carried The Dukedom of Lennox in the 24th century.

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