The Heroines

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The Heroines

No. They were not born into either the aristocracy or gentry of Europe and they were both born 122 years later after World War Three Planet Earth that took place on May 1, 2153 in the Post World War Three Planet Earth in the United States.

Both were left war orphans and their relatives could no longer take care of them due to a food shortage where only immediate family could get food coupons and there were no exceptions to the rule.

So, their families placed them into the United Federation of Planet Relocation Program for War Orphans and on June 25, 2270, they along with four-hundred and ninety-seven other war orphans departed from San Francisco, California on the USS Republic.

Susan Virginia Bell was 17 years old and Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell was 15 years old when they left Planet Earth along with the other 498 war orphans and 400 would be transported to Star Base 10 with the remaining 100 to Star Base 12.

The USS Republic would make a brief orbit to Talos IV to pick up passengers then onto Star Base 10 and their final destination would be Star Base 12.

The USS Republic orbits around Talos IV and picks up only one passenger, a young man named Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley on April 19, 2272, its second stop was Star Base 10 in June of 2273 and finally The USS Republic orbits around Star Base 12 on June 25, 2274.

The USS Republic transports 25 passengers at a time and the last 25 of them are Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and on his left arm is Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and on his right arm is Susan Virginia Bell.

Susan Virginia Bell is now 23 years old and Karissa Ann Lowell is now 19 year old and in the background is the two senior Dukes of Star Base 12, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of Norfolk Territory and his first cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory with them are standing Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, nephew, Lord Richard Edward Howard the Second and his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and both of them are 24 years old along with Lord Richard William Carey who is their second cousin.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley walks up with Karissa and Susan and they give Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior a curtsy and he is so taken by both of them that he offers his hand and helps to rise to their feet and Lord Andrew Charles and his first cousin, Lord Richard Edward The Second nudge Lord Charles Andrew Junior " Come on father. Introduce us." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR introduces his youngest son and nephew to Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and Susan Virginia Bell and Lord Andrew Charles tells his nephew, " I want the blonde one, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second."

"I am fine with that. I prefer the raven hair one." Lord Richard Edward Howard the Second tells his cousin.

Also standing by Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior is Lord Richard William Carey and he also likes Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

Lord Andrew Charles, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third and Lord Richard William Carey all have children with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell and they are

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane 1st Duchess of Norfolk Territory

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, 1st Howard Duke of Lancaster Territory

Lord Albert Edward Howard, 1st Howard Duke of Kent Territory

Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, 1st Duchess of Gloucester Territory

With Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, 1st Duchess of Bedford Territory

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, 1st Duke of Langley Territory

With Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, 1st Duchess of Sussex Territory

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, 1st Duke of Wessex Territory married Lady Susan Virginia Bell and with her. They have two children

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third, the second Duke of Wessex Territory

Lady Susan Virginia Howard.

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Third marries Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard and they have

Lady Karissa Ann Howard, 2nd Duchess of Norfolk Territory

Lord Richard Edward Howard The Fourth, 3rd Duke of Wessex Territory

Lady Susan Virginia Howard

Lady Karissa Ann Howard married her second cousin, Lord Frederick William Howard The Fourth and they have

Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard, 3rd Duchess of Norfolk Territory who marries her second cousin Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third dand they have

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth who marries Lady Josephine Isabella Stuart, Heiress to the Earl of Moray on Star Base 10 and they have

Lord Jerome Alexander Howard, 1st Howard of Earl of Moray and he has Lady Athena Isabella Howard, the 1st Countess of Moray

Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Fifth, the sixth Duke of Norfolk Territory and he has Lady Florence Clara Howard the 5th Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

Lady Victoria Susan Howard

_Other children of Lady Karissa Ann Howard and Lord Frederick William Howard The fourth ___________________________

Lord Frederick William Howard The V

Lady Victoria Susan Howard 

Lady Victoria Susan Howard 

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