Chapter 12: Waiting within

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Day 143 of being nothing but rich...and now I really don't know what to do anymore for starters I have everything I could possibly want but there was something that I wanted to do I- I wanted revenge for the disrespect and torture of others who have done terrible towards me. I got tired of waiting on the sidelines but if life has a plan I was willing to wait but they can't keep me waiting forever soon I'll finally be heard...I hope I will finally be able to be seen as someone I am not someone I'm not. Alex has surprising news to give so he lead me out to the back and ask me to be by his side but also he gave me something very special "here Diana...since you're the new C.E.O. I believe this belongs to you now".

Alex gave me the deeds and made me the happiest woman in the world because now I have everything I ever wanted. The next day my siblings came to visit, so once I told them the news they were both scared that Alex would break my heart but when I explained why I said yes Jacob approved however Akaria was still shaken up from this news so she said "Diana...whatever you do just please don't make the same mistake I did" so I agreed to it making sure I kept my word because if you go back on your word sometimes it counts as treason and you won't live from that... 

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