~ INTERMISSION - (Yes, another one...)

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Dear Readers,

The conversation Stevie has in captivity with Joe Walsh in this story is almost 100% accurate to the actual words that were exchanged by them in Colorado in September 1983, on a road trip from Denver to Boulder about a week after they began a relationship in Dallas after the show. The fountain in the park still stands, and it is not lost on me that the accident that claimed Emma's life shortly before her fourth birthday occurred on April Fools Day...

I am a Buckingham Nicks "shipper" a thousand times over, but that is not to say I claim real knowledge into the heart of the real Stevie Nicks. None of us do. To quote the 102-year-old Rose in Titanic, "A woman's heart is a dark ocean of secrets." I don't completely NOT see what Stevie saw in Joe that night at the hotel bar in Dallas...and I just have to listen to her sing "Moonlight", which is only partially about Twilight, and watch her cry over Joe's suddenly abandoning her in 1985 a whopping sixteen years later in her In Your Dreams documentary to understand that Joe was the great love of her life...or rather, as she pointed out in a 2020 interview, one of three.

In this story, I have rewritten history so that the great love of Stevie Nicks' life remains Lindsey Buckingham and not Joe Walsh.

In my writing, I try to stay true to the characters. If they wouldn't say or do it, I don't write it. I've seen enough interviews with Joe Walsh in my 46 years to understand that he's actually a fantastic guy at heart - just very deeply disturbed. Stevie herself has said that they were in the worst places of their lives when they were together, two people addicted to drugs who were heading for disaster and, in my humble opinion, two people who'd mistaken trauma bonds for true love. (I can only imagine that Stevie shared her tragic loss of Robin sometime on that drive through Colorado, and that the two bonded in unresolved grief. If not, I am wrong...and Joe is more selfish than I thought...or Stevie more secretive...or both.)

Nevertheless, this is my Buckingham Nicks fanfiction, and you know my work - It always ends with Stevie and Lindsey safe and sound in bed with the dogs...and sometimes a baby or two if the story calls for that.

That said, I bring you the conclusion of "I Will Run To You"...

Thanks for reading!!! <3

Thanks for reading!!! <3

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