Chapter 2

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Calix and I proudly walk down the hall to the main alter at the end. We ignore the whispers and ramblings of the students obviously curious to who the new people were. People don't usually transfer schools in the Wizarding World, especially not in their 5th year. But we did.

After what felt like an hour we finally reached the front. We stood there waiting to be told what was happening. The woman who was with us before explained that we were to sit underneath the sorting hat and then It would tell us what house we belonged in. Simple enough we thought and shrugged.

Calix was called first so he strolled up and sat under the seat. There seemed to be a small conversation between the hat and Calix and then it suddenly yelled


A table at the end of the hall where green banners were hanging burst into applause at the announcement. Calix strolled off the stage and stood beside me.

"Your turn" he smiled and teased me to which I rolled my eyes.

I walked up underneath the hat and sat on the chair. It started talking to me, mumbling something about me being very difficult.

"It seems you are equally all the houses. Very strange to have this twice in a row. But considering you are twins" the hat says trailing off "do you have a preference" it asked me obviously puzzled at my sorting.

"Slytherin with my twin" I say to the hat

"Hmmm yesss you would do well in Slytherin" it says contemplating my request. "Better be" it pauses

"SLYTHERIN" It yells and Calix smiles at me from the spot he was waiting for me.

The same table erupted into cheer again as I slid off the chair and walked down to my twin.

"It have trouble placing you to" he asks as we walk towards the table of green and black.

"Yeah" I nod "something about being equally all their houses" I smirk

"Same here" Calix smirks.

We reach the table and see only 1 free spot that would fit the both of us.

"Looks like our seat has already been chosen" he says in my mind looking at me.

I shrug and we walk over to the free spot. My stomach grumbles as we sit down and Calix laughs.

"Hey I told you on the train I was hungry" I punch his arm.

He rubs the spot I punched and glares at me. I just shrug and smile at him. Food appears in front of us and everyone around us starts digging in. Calix and I follow suit piling food onto our plates. I start eating my food and instantly feel my attitude and what's left of my hangover dissipate.

"Hey you must be the new 5th years" a voice says in front of us "I'm Blaise Zabini we're in the same year" the boy says looking at us.

"Calix and that's Nova" Calix introduces us.

"Cool. This is Theo, Matteo, Draco" he says gesturing to the boys sitting around us.

They all say hi in between stuffing their faces.

"So why are you guys only starting in 5th year" I think the boy named Draco asked.

"We transferred from Durmstrang" I shrugged and they all looked at us in awe.

"Wow what's it like there" Blaise says watching us.

"We could tell them anything and they'd believe us" I said to Calix

"Like kids in a candy store" he said back and I could feel the amusement in that sentence.

"Cold" I laugh and they chuckle to.

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