Chapter 15

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The next few days before school starts again are a blur. Calix and I stayed with our brothers not seeing our parents the whole time. We got our devices back the day after we got our Dark Marks. The house elf's dropped them in our rooms while we weren't there. I had over a hundred messages from my friends and in the group chat. They were worried about us. Calix had the same but we just couldn't bring ourselves to reply.

Today was the day we were going back to school and we still hadn't talked to our friends but we know we'll have to eventually.

"We can just talk to them on the train" I sigh as Calix and I pack our trunks.

"Yeah I guess" he sighs to.

Packing our trunks to go back to school has made us realise that we need to start our tasks soon. The final few days with our brothers have taken our minds off it all but now seeing our Hogwarts trunks and robes has brought everything back.

"How can two weeks that were supposed to be fun with our brothers turn into such a fucken shit show" Calix huffs closing his trunk roughly.

"I wish we had stayed at school for the holidays" I sigh.

"You and me both sis, you and me both".

"Oh shit" I facepalm.

"What?" Calix gives me a puzzled look.

"People are going to notice this scar" I say pointing to the newly healed scar on my face.

"Oh shit yeah" Calix realises "what are you going to say?".

"Fuck I don't know" I shrug "how are you supposed to explain this. Everyone will know it's from magic because it's scarred", "if it was non magical it wouldn't have scarred".

"You're right" he sighs "just blame me".

"What?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Just say we were drunk and I accidentally hit you with my wand" he shrugs.

"Are you sure?" I question "that's a lot to ask of you".

"Bubba" he says walking over to me and putting his hands on my shoulders "you are my twin sister. I would do anything for you".

"Aww that's a bit bloody cute" I tease.

"Oh you ruined it now" he sighs walking away but I can see the smile on his lips.

"Thank you Lix, for everything".

"Of course Bubba. To the end of our time and beyond" he smiles.

"Till the day we leave this earth and beyond" I smile at him and pull him into a hug.

"Alright, alright we better get going, the others want to take us to the train station" Calix says picking up his trunk.

"Why?" I question "they usually want to sleep in and wait till the last possible second to get to Durmstrung".

"I don't know" Calix shrugs "but I still think it's bullshit we have to catch a 9 hour train ride to Hogwarts when we could just aparate" he rolls his eyes.

"Ain't that the truth brother" I roll my eyes too.

Calix and I both grab our trunks and bags and walk out the door towards the backyard. Hopefully leaving this house for the last time.

We reach the backyard and see our brothers standing on the lawn looking smug.

"What have you trouble makers been up to" I narrow my eyes at them.

"Oh always so suspicious little one" Issac comes up to me and bops my nose while snaking his arm around my shoulders.

"Well when you all look like that" I say gesturing to the others.

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