Chapter 14

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I wake up in a daze. Rubbing my eyes and sitting up in my bed I see my brothers all asleep around me. I scan their faces and see everyone except my twin. Looking around again I'm sure he's not here so I get up out of bed careful not to wake my sleeping siblings and sneak out of my room.

Closing the door something on my arm catches my eye. So it was real I sigh. There just like hours before sat a fully healed Dark Mark. My arm looked normal and I ran my hand down the mark. In an act of pure desperation I start clawing at my arm trying to remove it. I scratch and scrap until my arm is raw and bleeding. Frustrated I internally scream and cry falling down on the wall just outside my door.

After a few minutes I pick myself up off the floor and start walking to Calix and I's secret spot on the roof. Climbing up to the spot requires a little bit of skill and Calix and I have had a few falls from this climb when we first discovered it, but now I could climb this route with my eyes closed.

Stepping and climbing the way up to the tallest part of our house I finally pull myself up over the last bit. Hauling my body over the side I crawl onto my hands and knees steadying my position. I look up and sure enough my twin brother sits in his spot leaving a space for me like always.

I stand carefully and walk over to Calix sitting down right beside him. I link my arm and hand his hand. We sit in silence for a few minutes neither of us knowing what to say to the other. We stare out into the dark of night looking at the moon and stars.

"You know, in two weeks away from Hogwarts I've gained a tough looking scar and tattoo" I try to lighten the mood but I think I may have made it worse because calix stiffens beside me.

"Nova" he says softly but I don't let him finish.

"I bet, if I went to the muggle world with this on my arm I would get compliments from them".

"Nova stop" Calix stops me "this isn't something to joke about. It's serious! Do you understand that" he snaps.

"Don't you think I know that" I snap back "Calix I have to KILL someone! And our classmate no less" I hold back tears "so yes I understand how serious this is" I huff.

We're quiet for a bit not wanting to talk to one another but never letting go of each others hand.

"I tried to scratch it off you know" I break the silence and bring my arm up to show my twin.

"Me to" he sighs showing me his mark. Our arms are still red and raw but the blood was clotted and dark.

"I'm sorry" I sigh "For not being able to stop it".

"That's not an apology you need to make" Calix rests his head on my shoulder "it's not our fault Bubba, it's theirs" he says clenching his jaw. "Our pathetic excuse for sperm and egg donors did this. It's their fault and when we turn 18 they will get everything coming to them".

"I love you Lix" I say resting my head on his "till the day we leave this earth and beyond".

"I love you to Nova, to the end of our time and beyond".

Calix and I stay up here for hours. We start getting tired hours later and decide to go back to my room and sleep. We make our way down the house and to my room. We walk silently through the house that not even our footsteps can be heard. Holding hands the whole way we finally reach my room and move our way through the sleeping bodies of our brothers to my bed. Jumping in next to each other I fall asleep cuddling my twin who has his arms around me as I do him.

"We'll get through this all together Lix" I say softly before drifting off to sleep.

"Together always" he says, sleep coating his voice.

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