~_______~_______~"Should we wake her up?"
"No, she looks peaceful."
"But we have to go—"
"Shut up for a moment."
"She's so pretty."
"I can't believe she's here, alive."
"Shhh! She's waking up!"
My eyes fluttered open slowly as I took in my surroundings. I was in a room, a huge room, nicely decorated. I was on a soft Queen-sized bed and still had the clothes from school on. I looked up to see 8 pairs of eyes staring at me. What the actual fuck.
"Hi, Verity." A gruff voice said. I looked up to see a man, he looked to be in his late 40's, with greying curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. He smiled widely at me and I raised my eyebrow.
"I'm your father."Wow. What a way to drop the news.
My breath hitched as memories came flooding back from yesterday — John, the sheriff, the CPS worker, the call.. was this my family? Why were there so many of them? And why did they all look like literal giants?
I must've been sleeping for a while.
"I'm your mother, sweetheart." A soft voice said. I looked up to see a woman with brown hair and clear skin, and what intrigued me most was her eyes. They looked exactly like mine. Green, and pretty.
"She just woke up, I don't think she even is listening, guys." Said another voice. I looked to see a boy, about 19, standing against the doorway. He looked like me.
I stayed silent and everybody shuffled around uncomfortably. I brought my knees up to my chest and looked back at my mother. She was so beautiful. But anger, anger started to take over me.
Why did they leave me? With that monster of a man? Why is it only now they come in my life, when they had no other choice but to take me in?
"I'm sorry, sweetie. We will let you get settled in and call you down to the living room in a few. Uhm..yeah." My 'mother' muttered. They all slowly exited, the boy who spoke up earlier staying a second longer to observe me before he shuffled away as well.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the door closed behind him. I immediately looked around for my phone, and when I couldn't find it, I frowned. Maybe one of my biologicals had it.
This whole situation was amusing. Was I in Italy right now? With the people I despise for leaving me so much? Was I really to live with them for the next three years, until I can move out?
I suddenly felt empty. I missed Andrei, and Alexei, and Maxim. I missed them so much. My братья. (brothers).
I sighed and got up, walking into a large closet with clothes I never bought. I grabbed a large black hoodie and some white basketball shorts — that I made sure were long enough to hide the bruises — with undergarments and took a shower.
The cold water felt good against my skin, even though I hated taking cold showers. I let the water run down my face and hair, closing my eyes, trying to process everything.

عاطفيةVerity was a quiet 16 year old girl who had a tough life. She never meant for things to go so bad- so why did they? Abandoned at the ripe age of 3, she was adopted by a narcissistic asshole who abused her for 13 years straight. Her only escape was h...