Only orders

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Why does it have to be this way?

I hit Max in the face so hard I actually hear him scream. I'm usually not able to pick up sound, only detecting it on my screen. He must be in pain. I wouldn't know what that is.. Would I? No.
The boy is cowering and I'm peering down at his lower lip. It is split down the middle, and red gleams on the surface of his chapped skin.
He's saying things in German I don't understand. I've been set to English for too long.

-Language change. English to German-

Please. He's saying please. I look down at my hands. The white carbon material is streaked with a wet red, black joints as well. I pan in on Max's face, taking in the sustained injuries. My vision is staticky, and I do feel some remorse. I'm a different type of robot, and this is not what I was meant to do. I serve my master, and this is another servant. A human boy... Who is also, in a way, my friend. He has it rough around here.

Split lower lip, bruised left cheek.

It could be worse. Master wanted him to be hurt, but I don't know why. He didn't say.
Max's lips move, and I watch his words clutter my secondary screen. Sharp green letters.
I barely have time to process his thought before he starts crying. Something in my chest clicks, and he flinches. I manage a smile, feeling the metal parts of my face shift.

-Retrieve data.-

He was pleading with me to stop. Ah.
I nod, and open my mouth to speak.
It will be hard to add tone, as usual.

"I'm sorry, Max" I say. "I was only following instructions."

I bend down, and grab his arms. He looks at me. His tiny brown eyes etch their characteristics into my very being. I'll remember him long after he dies.
I get the boy to his feet, and steady him. He's still stuck in that dull uniform. What a shame. He's such a lovely human.

In the next few minutes, going against my orders, I treat his wounds. We're in the servants' quarters. I am forbidden from entering, as it is for man rather than machine, but I need some sense of redemption.

I've known Max for a very long time.

I do care.

The green letters keep cluttering my screen, and the boy isn't making sense. He's talking too quickly, his words stuttered. I feel bad. It hurts, he says every time I ask. I don't know why Master wanted this, his says. I know though, as I've gathered enough information to. I understand too, but just barely.
Humans are disgusting.
I don't tell him my theories, and I don't say much at all. I finish cleaning his lip.


The boy's brown eyes flick up to me, as I stand over a foot taller, and he gives a weak smile. "Thank you.."
I nod. We sit there for a while, striking up sad conversation. I decide to ask him what he's been doing; what could've made Master angry. I already know why our master was irritated, but I ask anyway. He doesn't say much, as for the moment, he doesn't trust me. Max always acts like I'm a stranger after I've hurt him. I don't blame the boy at all.

However, I do know him, and can be rather manipulative. Soon enough, the green letters fill my screen.

"He tried to do something.." Max finally says, squeezing his wrist. I nod, tensing. "I'm sorry.."
His chestnut-tinted irises snap up to my blue ones. I am once again subdued by their beauty. Plain, common colour, they are. Many humans possess this kind of eye, but his are especially pretty.

"Hey, I still don't know your name.." He starts. "Do you even have one?" I actually heard his voice that time.
"No," I say. "Mr. Hanning did not give me one."
The boy smiles wide, and it is shocking. How on earth can he feel happy?

"Could I give you a name?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't see why not."
He brings a finger to his chin, and purses his lips. "Give me some time.." He says. "I'll.. pick a good one."

Red seeps into my screen, and my whole body vibrates with chilled pain. Master is calling for me. I grit my teeth, taking in a sharp breath. I don't even need to breathe.
Max looks alarmed, but I don't bother reassuring him.
"I have to go," I mutter, getting off the edge of his little bed. I grab the first aid kit, and shove it into the hollow of my right thigh. It clicks into place.

Before I leave, I make sure to catch a glimpse of the boy's eyes.

Chestnut brown.

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